Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 74 A More Powerful Cultivator 1

Chapter 74 A More Powerful Cultivator 1
With a wave of his hand, Yuan Li gushed out, strangling these innocent hunters on the spot.

"We're on the run, so we can't leave any clues." Guo Ai turned around and explained to Guo Mu and the others.

The others were fine, Guo Yinger saw such a scene for the first time, and couldn't help retching, while Guo Mu comforted Guo Yinger, but also felt disgusted by the Guo family's indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

This strengthened his determination to leave alone.

After choosing a direction, everyone left the valley.

Half an hour later, another "big mouse" came out of the hole and was rushing to Guo Chong.

Guo Chong looked at the corpse of Orion lying on the ground, smiled slightly, and immediately followed the trampled thatch, and continued to chase.


After all, Guo Ai's strength was greater than Guo Chong's. When Guo Chong approached Guo Ai's kilometer range, Guo Ai had already noticed.

Guo Ai looked at Guo Mu and the others, and found that some of them were dozing off, and some were in a daze.

This is a small shop, Guo Ai temporarily decided to let the children take a break when passing by, but this break gave Guo Chong an opportunity.

"You guys take a break, I'll go back as soon as I go." Guo Ai stood up without warning, and walked out of the shop.

About 1 minute after Guo Ai left, Guo Mu's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, it was time.

"I'm going to the toilet." Guo Mu said, he planned to take this opportunity to leave, he didn't want to follow the arrangements of anyone in the Guo family.

Guo Mu arrived at the backyard, took advantage of the unpreparedness, and left through the back door.

As soon as he went out, Guo Mu started running wildly,
While running, while laughing.

The taste of freedom is always so cheerful.

Guo Mu didn't think about whether he would have enough money after he left, whether he would have a place to live, or how to find the Great World.

He didn't think about anything.

But he felt that no matter what, he had to leave, no matter what, he could survive.

As long as you can live, live freely.

It has to be said that the current Guo Mu is still quite naive, but he is only 15 years old and has never experienced the outside world, so how can he be expected to mature.

He was just a naive little boy.

The naive little boy ran aimlessly, but soon, he felt something was wrong.

He suddenly turned around, only to see Guo Yinger following behind, panting.

"You you...why did you follow me!" Guo Mu was embarrassed.

Guo Yinger took a deep breath: "I knew it, you must want to leave me and run away..."

Guo Mu wiped off his cold sweat: "How do you know?"

"If you didn't want to slip away alone, you wouldn't explain to others what you were going to do at all... I heard you say go to the bathroom, and I knew what you wanted to do right away!" Guo Yinger said angrily.

Guo Mu sweated profusely: "Sure enough, Yinger still understands me."

Guo Yinger clasped her fingers triumphantly.

"However, Yinger, it would be nice for you to follow the Supreme Elder. It would be safer. Why should you follow me? I don't even know what I need to survive..." What Guo Mu said was the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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