Chapter 77
Three days later, the two arrived at a city named "Watching the Moon".

In the city, they heard about the result of the battle in Nanyang City and the reason for it.The walking speed of the two of them was too slow, and the news seemed to have grown wings, and it spread throughout thousands of miles in less than a day.

Of course, this is also the result of Guo Chong's deliberate operation, because he not only wants the Guo family to be destroyed, but also wants the remaining Guo family to be unable to lift their heads forever.

He exaggerated the past grievances, in which the Guo family played the worst role.

It's true that the Guo family is bad, but it's not really that bad, who can tell. 16 years of grievances, only the parties know best.

And history is often written by the victors.

Guo Chong wrote history, but Guo Mu and others can only understand the context of grievances and grievances by looking at history.

Guo Mu, who learned the whole story of the incident, fell into a long silence.

Guo Yinger comforted him with concern: "Brother Mu, don't think too much, the Guo family is a thing of the past for us." However, even though she said so, her eyes were moist involuntarily, because she thought of her own At that time, the lunatic mother was so rushed by the elders that she didn't even have time to see her mother for the last time.

And Guo Ai would definitely not agree to bring along her mother as a burden.

Guo Yinger gritted her silver teeth, and the tears couldn't help rolling down.Although her mother is a lunatic, she has been together for so long and has feelings.

She raised one hand and wiped away Guo Yinger's tears. Guo Yinger came back to her senses and saw Guo Mu's gentle smiling face.

"Brother Mu." Guo Yinger's nose soured, and she threw herself into Guo Mu's arms.

While stroking her hair, Guo Mu comforted her emotions: "Don't cry, don't cry, it's all over, and my brother will take good care of you from now on."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little beauty in his arms was already sobbing.

After resting for a while, the two started on their way again.

The setting sun is like a flower carved in the blue sky. It is very beautiful, but it also has a trace of helpless sadness.

Just like the mood of the two of them at the moment.

Speechless for a while.

A month later, there was not much money left between the two of them, which also meant that the Tongtianmen was approaching.

After a month of trekking, the memory of the Guo family in the hearts of the two people has gradually faded away. It is not that they are ruthless, but that the Guo family did not leave them many good memories.

The only good things come from each other around us.

Since the other party is still by your side, forget about those places that bring you unhappiness.

But for some reason, Guo Mu always has a feeling that he will return to this place, maybe not for the Guo family, but he will always return to the Soul Realm.

This feeling is very inexplicable, but it is extremely firm.

Like a predestined bond.

During this period of time, Guo Mu's cultivation progress has not slowed down. Although he is on his way, Guo Mu always trains whenever he is free.

Practice this kind of thing, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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