Chapter 79
A golden soldier glanced at Guo Mu, and Guo Mu shivered suddenly, as if he was being watched by the god of death, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe.However, the golden soldier seemed to just glance at him casually, and after seeing that it was a little boy, he was no longer interested in him.

"It's dangerous..." A voice suddenly sounded in Guo Mu's heart.

Guo Mu remembered that this was the voice of that blue figure, wasn't it the "blue ghost" who promised to teach him the most amazing exercises, and insisted on living in his body like a rascal...

Well, I have to call this guy "Blue Ghost" in the future, it is both vivid and vivid!
"Blue Ghost, you've finally woken up, what about the agreed exercises?"


"You..." Guo Mu still wanted to protest a few words, but the blue ghost suddenly said in a hurry: "Shhhhhh, don't talk to me, those two old guards are very powerful, don't let them find me, otherwise, Don’t even think about entering Tongtianmen today!”

"Are you afraid of them?" Guo Mu looked at the two golden soldiers with interest, and found that they looked quite young, not "old" as the blue ghost said.

When the blue ghost heard Guo Mu's words, he was not happy: "I'm afraid of their shit! It's just that my strength is damaged now, and they found out. They can't do anything to me, but you boy, just wait for the soul to fly away!" Annihilate it!"

"What do you have to do with me?"

"I'm in your body. According to the current situation, I won't be able to get out for a while. If I fight with them, I have to borrow your body."

"Damn it!" Guo Mu couldn't help cursing.

The blue ghost said: "Shhhhhh, stop talking, I'm going to retreat, remember, don't attract the attention of those two old guys."

"Understood." Guo Mu didn't want to cause trouble at this critical moment.

In fact, there are many troubles in the world. It’s not that if you don’t want to look for them, they won’t appear.

Trouble with this kind of thing usually comes to the door by itself.


Just when Guo Mu stepped into the Tongtian Gate, a golden soldier suddenly spoke.Guo Mu obediently stopped, and turned around to realize that the other party didn't tell him to stop, but Guo Yinger.

What's the matter, why did Yinger provoke them, Guo Mu was a little suspicious.

"Little girl, come here." Maybe because he realized that his attitude was too strict, the golden soldier forced out a kind smile.

While Guo Yinger was still hesitating whether to be deceived by his kind appearance, the people next to her were extremely surprised: "Oh my God, aren't the gatekeepers of Tongtianmen the legendary cold-blooded ones? Will you be so low profile to please a little girl?"

"Could it be that this little girl's status is very honorable?"

"Is it possible? Look at her attire, she obviously came from a small place."

"What can clothes represent? I have heard that many young ladies from famous families like to wear ordinary clothes and go to play in the world. But... if this little girl wants to play in the big world, she is really too reckless ... Is it true that the big world is a good place?"

Guo Yinger naturally heard all the remarks of the people next to her, so she was even more hesitant to listen to that golden soldier.

Seeing that she refused to go over, the golden soldier smiled, left his post and walked over.

Seeing this, everyone exclaimed again: "Doesn't the gatekeeper never leave his post? How could he make an exception for a little girl today? Who is this little girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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