Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 84 Ma Daha's Male Favorite 2

Chapter 84 Ma Daha's Male Favorite 2
"What's that?" Guo Mu asked.

The strong man explained: "This is the 'Yuanxiu Certificate' specially made by our Yuanxiu Alliance. It is a proof of mutual help between Yuanxiu practitioners in the big world. In the big world, various monks emerge in endlessly, and our Yuanxiu Alliance Cultivators are one of the weaker types, if we don't form a group, we may be eliminated by other monks."


"Hehe, little brother may have just come to the big world, and he doesn't know that in the big world, all kinds of monks are hostile to each other. If you are in the territory of other monks, you must not reveal your identity as a primordial cultivator, otherwise , it is easy to cause trouble." The strong man continued to popularize Guo Mu, "The establishment of our Yuanxiu Alliance is to ensure the interests and survival of Yuanxiu practitioners in the big world, as long as you hold the 'Yuanxiu Certificate' If you run into trouble in the future, you can come to the Yuanxiu Alliance for help."

Guo Mu let out a sigh, and thought that "Yuan Xiuzheng" still has a lot of benefits, and it is quite practical for him at present.

After some simple confirmation procedures, Guo Mu obtained his Yuan Xiu Certificate.I don't know how to make this Yuanxiu certificate, but the identity of the holder can be determined by relying on blood. In this way, even if someone wants to fake it, it is impossible.

"Remember, although the Yuanxiu Certificate is very useful, it is only limited to the areas announced by the Yuanxiu Alliance. Where other monks exist, you must not let anyone see your Yuanxiu Certificate!" Zhuang Niu Dahan kindly reminded.

Guo Mu nodded hurriedly, thinking to himself, this big world seems to be much more dangerous than the soul world, and there is racial discrimination everywhere.

After receiving the documents, it was already dusk.

Guo Mu decided to rest on this transit island under the control of the Yuanxiu Alliance for a night before thinking about other things.In addition, he also planned to ask the strong man about the big world first.

In the evening, the strong man came to Guo Mu's temporary residence after finishing his work, and then slowly told Guo Mu about the background of the big world.

It turns out that the so-called soul world is not the real world, but just a space. Although it is vast, it is less than one ten-thousandth of the big world.

The big world is very old, at least over [-] million years.And the big world also has another name called "Wushuang Realm".The origin of the name of Wushuangjie is derived from a stone tablet that has existed since ancient times.This stele is with the heaven and the earth. I don't know how many years have passed, and it has witnessed the rise and fall of many legends in the Wushuang world.

There are two words "Wu Shuang Realm" engraved on the stone tablet, so people call this world the Wushuang Realm.

The island where Guo Mu is located is a small vassal island of the largest continent in the Wushuang Realm, the "Wushuang Continent", and is controlled by the Yuanxiu Alliance.

About the legends of other continents in the Wushuang Realm, the strong man doesn't know. He just told Guo Mu that the Wushuang Continent is very chaotic at present, and there are constant wars among the countries. He hopes that Guo Mu can take care of himself.

As for the practice that Guo Mu proposed, the strong man also readily told him.

Because the Wushuang Realm is a real world, it is not like the Soul Realm, where only the power of heretics can only be derived. In the Wushuang Realm, the mainstream way of cultivation is to absorb spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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