Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 87 The First Murder 2

Chapter 87 The First Murder 2
The strong man once said that the soldiers of the Daxing Kingdom are brutal. If you encounter them, you must avoid them. If you can't avoid them, don't resist.

Guo Mu still believed in strong men, so he didn't resist, and besides, he didn't have the capital to resist.

"Catch it." Hooked Nose snorted, and two Daxing soldiers came out, held Guo Mu down, and escorted him to the rear of the army.

Guo Mu was at a loss, why did he offend the Daxing Army?
However, when he got to the back, he realized that the Daxing Army had not only arrested himself, but behind the army was a long string of ordinary people.

"Hey, little brother, come here, don't get too close to those soldiers, be careful that they whip you with leather!" Guo Mu was still looking around, when a young man took his hand and reminded him.

Guo Mu glanced at the man gratefully, and thought to himself that he was really too reckless. At this time, he should keep a low profile.

There were two ranks of civilians, the burly Daxing soldiers, one by one with his left hand on the hilt of his waist, and his right hand holding a whip, and whoever was upset would give him a whip.

"Where are we going?" Guo Mu swallowed, and asked the young man while Da Xing Bing was not paying attention.

The young man replied in a low voice: "I heard that an underground gold mine was discovered in Yelang Town to the south. We are all going there to dig for the Daxing army."

"Oh...are they just randomly arresting people?"

"Hush...Of course it was a random arrest. I was drinking in a restaurant and they arrested me. Hey, I regret it. I should have left this damn Zhanpeng country long ago!" The young man was annoyed. I don’t know if I can escape alive!”

"Ah? Is it that serious?" Guo Mu was taken aback.

The young man looked at him curiously after hearing the words: "Little brother, are you new here?"

Guo Mu hummed, and the young man said again: "No wonder... the little brother doesn't know, the reason why the Daxing Army arrested people for mining is because the mining environment is very dangerous, and people will die if they are not careful. Let your own people take risks. Besides, I heard that the gold mine is huge, if you don't grab more coolies to mine, if Xia Qiu's army comes back, they can only abandon the mine and retreat..."

Just as he was talking, suddenly a black shadow flew towards the young man, pop!The black shadow left a shocking bloodstain on the young man's face.

"Who told you to talk!" A Daxing soldier cursed, "Fuck, shut up for me, otherwise I will let you go to the innermost mine to mine!"

Daxing Bing flicked his whip again and hit Guo Mu on the back.The force was so fierce that Guo Mu felt like the skin on his back was being torn apart, and it was burning hot.

And in his heart, his impression of Daxing was extremely bad.

Bear it, you can only bear it.

Fortunately, sister Ying'er did not follow him to Wushuang Realm, otherwise, with his current strength, he would not be able to protect himself, how could he protect her.

Thinking of Yinger, Guo Mu suddenly woke up. In his bosom, he still had a copy of Yuanxiu exercises that he had received from the Supreme Elder. Although he did not know how important this exercise was, the Supreme Elders abandoned the Guo family to look at There must be a reason why he only brought out this book of Yuan Xiu's cheats.

(End of this chapter)

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