Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 90 The First Murder 5

Chapter 90 The First Murder 5
Guo Mu smiled: "My name is Guo Mu."

After exchanging names, the two became formal friends. Feng Sanshao was Guo Mu's first friend in Wushuang Realm.

It is also Guo Mu's second friend besides Guo Yinger in half his life.

Just as Feng Sanshao said, the so-called banquet in this scarred mouth actually does not eat human flesh, thank God.

What kind of vegetables are there, wild vegetables, tree roots... Nima, a majestic country with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers is actually so harsh.

At a glance, the so-called banquet didn't even have fresh cabbage, let alone meat, it was all wild vegetables dug from no one knew where...

Even the rice had some black and yellow marks, which were obviously sand.

"Eat it quickly, you will all have to eat this kind of food in the future, get used to it early, it's good for everyone." Scarface said coldly.

"I'm stupid!" Feng Sanshao whispered in Guo Mu's ear, "This is treating us like pigs! Pigs are better, they sleep after eating, we have to work after eating, grass!"

In Guo Mu's heart, he had already cursed Scarface and the entire eighteen generations of Daxing Army's ancestors.

"Do you want to eat? If you don't eat, just start mining for me!" Seeing the new coolies staring at the food but not moving, Scarface became a little impatient. He cursed angrily and pointed the whip in the direction behind him.

Guo Mu looked, and there was a dark hole more than ten meters behind him, and coolies with numb expressions kept coming in and out. Occasionally, coolies cast their eyes here, and there was a schadenfreude in their eyes, as if they were In a desperate situation, seeing unlucky ghosts come to accompany me, that kind of morbid happiness.

Scarface spoke fiercely, but the new coolie was not without temper.At that moment, someone snorted coldly: "Just these meals, even dogs won't eat them! If we are asked to work, how can we have the strength to work if we eat these?"

When this person spoke, someone immediately echoed him.

This is how people are. When no one resists, everyone accepts it. Once someone takes the lead, some guys jump out immediately.

Guo Mu took a look. The person who spoke first was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a handsome face and more expensive clothes than others. It seems that this person was also a rich and powerful person before he became a coolie. .How could a person like this have been so humiliated.

However, at this point, can the previous status really still play a role?
Does Scarface care about this?

Soon, Scarface expressed his thoughts with actions.I saw that he didn't say anything, but just swung his whip, scaring the new coolies to dodge one after another.The whip shadow rolled up and hit the man's head hard.Then something that frightened the new coolies happened. The whip seemed to have a lot of force, and it ruthlessly embedded in the head of the person who spoke before.

The man didn't even have time to snort, and he died completely.

"I am the heaven here, and what I say is the law of heaven!" Scarface said slowly, "If you want to question the law of heaven, then be ready to accept the same fate as this guy."

(End of this chapter)

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