Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 95 A Dream 1

Chapter 95 A Dream 5
Fighting tends to produce strong people, and whoever can fight is the rule.

The "rule" that coolies have to pay attention to is a muscular man named "Ma Daha". It is said that he has practiced martial arts for two years and is very good at fighting. There was no resistance.

After arriving at the mining area, Ma Daha often looked for opportunities to provoke other people, and then relied on his fists to force a group of young coolies to join him.

And Ma Daha is not only capable of beating, but also very naughty. Scarface and others were flattered by Ma Daha, and they were happy to be photographed, so they acquiesced in his behavior among the coolies.Of course, the main reason is that Scarface needs a dog to help him look at other people.

Ma Daha is this dog's leg, and the life of this dog's leg is much more comfortable than other coolies.

He didn't need to mine by himself, because his workload had already been shared among other coolies. Even Guo Mu had dug a barrel for him.

There is no way, if you don't help digging, then it's very good, Ma Daha will have an excuse to deal with you.

Guo Mu didn't want to be dealt with, because he heard that people who were dealt with before would end badly.

Ma Daha is the toubob king among the coolies.

But what Guo Mu never imagined was that he had a conflict with the tyrant Ma Daha in the end, and this conflict almost killed him.

Here's the thing.

Guo Mu was mining at the time, when suddenly two people came over, one of them might be in a hurry, so he took out the guy and urinated on the spot.Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao usually dig here, if they are allowed to pee, wouldn't they have to smell the urine all day long?

At that time, Third Young Master Feng was furious, jumped up, and ran towards the man who was peeing. The man was caught unawares and was knocked to the ground.The other person wanted to resist, so Guo Mu had no choice but to join in and fight with him.

Later, they finally beat the two of them to the ground, but Third Young Master Feng still couldn't let go of his hatred, and kicked that man's piss#piss guy... This kick was a bad thing.

In the evening, Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were eating, but they were rushed over by several aggressive young coolies and dragged them aside.It was only then that they realized that it was Ma Daha's favorite boy who took care of those two during the day.

That's right, it's a male favorite.

Ma Daha may have excess energy. In such a depressive and limited environment, in order to relieve his loneliness, he needs to train his male favorite.And these two young men were born with fair skin and tender flesh, which made him covetously.In the end, it took a lot of effort to train these two young men to become his male favourites, but before he could be happy for a few days, the male favourites were kicked and ruined.

It is said that the boy's favorite thing was kicked, and it is estimated that he will never want to call himself a man again.

Third Young Master Feng was really ruthless, Guo Mu felt ashamed of himself... But, he was really relieved.

However, if you let go of the qi, the consequences that follow are what Guo Mu doesn't want to see.

Ma Daha has been arrogant for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered someone who dared to beat his subordinates like this, let alone whether this subordinate is his male favourite, as the boss, he also wants to seek justice for his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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