Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 124 Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Chapter 124
"Yanyan, I have your number." Lin Xiyan was about to go out to send the seafood she bought two days ago to Xu Shanqi when she heard Gu Jiajia say that someone called her.

It should be Brother Hai. It has been three or four days since Lin Xiyan called him last time. The matter that he asked for help to investigate should have some results!
Thinking of this, Lin Xiyan put down the things in her hand, went to the phone and answered it.As Lin Xiyan expected, it was Brother Hai who called, and in the phone, Brother Hai told Lin Xiyan everything he had found.

Lin Xiyan's complexion became more and more ugly. The casino incident was indeed set up by Lin Zhiyong. Lin Xiyan was suspicious at the beginning but couldn't be sure. The main reason was that the relationship between Lin Zhipeng and the people in the old house was too tight. Well, even better than the relationship with parents and Lin Zhihao.

Unexpectedly, the group of people in the old house jumped the wall in a hurry, and even Lin Zhipeng would not let it go. I really want to see what Lin Zhipeng's expression looks like after knowing that the people who cheated him behind this are the group of people in the old house.

Tell him to be stupid, to count the money for others after being sold.

Originally, Lin Xiyan planned to find someone to teach them a lesson after finding out that this matter was related to the group of people in the old house.

But after talking with Gu Wenbin, Lin Xiyan changed her mind. She asked Hai Ge to reveal everything to Lin Zhipeng.

As for how Lin Zhipeng will handle this matter, that is his own business, and has nothing to do with Lin Xiyan, and Lin Xiyan does not want to spend more time on this matter.

"Yanyan, who is the person who called you just now? He doesn't sound like a nice person." Lin Xiyan just hung up the phone, and Gu Jiajia looked at her worriedly.

"A messy person, I asked him to check things for me."

If you are a gangster, isn't that just a gangster?Will Lin Xiyan run into trouble if she provokes this kind of person?Thinking of this, Gu Jiajia hurriedly said to Lin Xiyan: "If you want to investigate things, you can ask Wang Ming to help you. Why are you looking for such a small gangster? I'm not afraid that they will trouble you in the future."

"It's just a trivial matter, there's no need to bother Wang Ming." Listening to Gu Jiajia's words, Lin Xiyan was helpless.In Lin Xiyan's eyes, Wang Ming's risk factor was higher than these punks.

Even if these hooligans would bring Lin Xiyan trouble in the future, Lin Xiyan would not want to owe Wang Ming favors to avoid such a little trouble.

Seeing that Gu Jiajia wanted to say something more, Lin Xiyan hurriedly picked up her tidy things and said, "I'm going to send a courier. I'll talk about anything when I come back."

Seeing Lin Xiyan running away, Gu Jiajia shook her head helplessly.She didn't understand why every time Wang Ming was mentioned, Lin Xiyan would show an evasive look, obviously nothing happened between them!

However, Gu Jiajia was still a little worried about Lin Xiyan, whether she would cause unnecessary trouble to her after contacting this kind of bastard!But Gu Jiajia persuaded Lin Xiyan but refused to listen, so she went to Wang Ming to help her find out, before it was too late when something really happened.

Thinking of this, Gu Jiajia called Wang Ming and asked him to check the phone number just now.

Wang Ming knew it was because of Lin Xiyan when he got the phone number, otherwise he would never have guessed that there was someone beside Gu Jiajia who was related to AH.

But what kind of phone number is this? Gu Jiajia is so nervous that she asks him for help behind Lin Xiyan's back.

(End of this chapter)

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