Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 157 Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Chapter 157

"You're back, what's wrong with Sister Yanyan?" Wang Xiaolin immediately went up to meet Lin Xiyan when she saw Lin Xiyan, and asked quickly when she saw Lin Xiyan's complexion.

Wang Xiaolin has been in the barbecue restaurant for more than ten days, and because of her sweet mouth and good talk, she gets along well with Lin Xiyan and the others. Lin Xiyan and the others also trust Wang Xiaolin, and they will chat with her about unimportant things when they are free. gossip.

But Shi Chunyan is still the same, she only knows to work hard every day, and doesn't care about other things.

"It's okay, sister Yanyan, you dug a hole and buried yourself." Fu Xiaorong said with a smile. She was curious about the follow-up development of this matter. Since Wang Ming had decided to give the car to Lin Xiyan, she would never He would take it back easily, and seeing Lin Xiyan's previous attitude, she would never take the car easily, and there was still a lot of trouble between the two of them.

"Okay, Xiaorong, stop gloating." Lin Xiyan is having a headache now. If she had known that this was the result, Lin Xiyan would have killed Wang Ming in the first place and would not have allowed Wang Ming to do this kind of promotional activity, but Qianjin Hard to buy early to know ah!Now that everything has happened, how can this situation be changed.

What Lin Xiyan didn't expect was that Wang Ming's action was so fast. Before Lin Xiyan could figure out a solution, Wang Ming asked his men to deliver the winning car to the door of the barbecue shop, and It was still the best time to do business in a barbecue restaurant.

If Wang Ming didn't do it on purpose, maybe a three-year-old would believe it.

"Why did Wang Ming send the car here? It's too flamboyant!" Fu Xiaorong looked at the car driven by the supermarket staff and said, now Lin Xiyan probably won't accept the car even if she doesn't want to. .

Lin Xiyan's face darkened when she saw the car, this Wang Ming really became more and more calculating.

This is the best time for the barbecue restaurant business. There are about fifty or sixty people eating barbecue in the store. After seeing the car approaching, many of them are asking the supermarket employees what happened. The employees of the supermarket also told these people about Lin Xiyan winning the lottery in the supermarket.

The reason why Wang Ming did this was to promote the supermarket on the one hand, and on the other hand, he hoped to use public opinion to get Lin Xiyan to accept the car.

After all, so many people have seen that Lin Xiyan accepted this car, if the two cars disappear in a few days, some people will definitely suspect that the supermarket's lottery is weird.

Taking a step back, even if there is no doubt about the lottery draw, Wang Ming will definitely let Lin Xiyan accept the car by using the attitude of promoting the supermarket.

When the people in the barbecue restaurant heard the news, they all ran over to congratulate Lin Xiyan on her luck, since she got such a valuable item.Some passers-by even ran to the barbecue shop to join in the fun after hearing the news.

Seeing more and more people in the barbecue shop, Lin Xiyan's face not only did not become happy, but became more and more ugly.

"Yanyan, don't be angry if it's a foregone conclusion." Fu Xiaorong advised Lin Xiyan, looking at Lin Xiyan's increasingly ugly face.

But seeing Lin Xiyan's ugly face, Gu Jiajia resolutely didn't raise the question again, and instead said to Lin Xiyan: "Yanyan, let's not be angry! This is what Wang Ming did too much, next time he comes over I'll clean him up for you!"

But even if Fu Xiaorong and Gu Jiajia were around to persuade Lin Xiyan, Lin Xiyan's expression still did not ease.

(End of this chapter)

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