Chapter 290

"That person won't cause you any trouble, right?" Wang Ming heard Gu Jiajia complaining non-stop about what Gao Yi did as soon as Wang Ming came back. He looked at Lin Xiyan and asked worriedly.

If Gao Yi played Ming's Wang Ming, he would naturally not be afraid of him, but he was afraid that he would play Yin, Lin Xiyan and Gu Jiajia who were defenseless would suffer.

After all, one is his girlfriend, and the other is his good brother's sister, whoever has an accident is the result that Wang Ming doesn't want to see.

Even though Wang Ming knew that the possibility was very small, he still had to be cautious.

"Probably not." Lin Xiyan thought of Gao Yi, he was a guy who had nothing but his family relationship, as long as she and Gu Jiajia were careful, nothing would happen.

"Oh, then I don't care about it." Since Lin Xiyan said that she can handle it by herself, Wang Ming simply ignored it.Leave it to Lin Xiyan to handle it herself. If Lin Xiyan can't handle it well, he will take action.

"By the way, you can find a restaurant in two days, don't be too luxurious. Jiajia wants to treat the two people who helped us today to dinner." Lin Xiyan remembered Gu Jiajia's interest in Lu Hansheng, and couldn't help asking Wang Ming to arrange a restaurant Let's all sit down and have a meal together.

On the one hand, this is to match Gu Jiajia and Lu Hansheng, and on the other hand, it is to investigate for Gu Jiajia whether Lu Hansheng is worthy of her love.

After all, Gu Jiajia had fallen in love with a bastard like Shi Zhicheng before, which made Lin Xiyan always worried that Gu Jiajia would be cheated again.

Even though Lu Hansheng was not like that kind of person, Lin Xiyan was still a little worried.

"Okay." Wang Ming immediately agreed, and asked Lin Xiyan, "How about the boy Jiajia is interested in?"

"It looks fine, but now it's just Jiajia's wishful thinking. The boy didn't show any interest in Gu Jiajia."

"That's not a problem, Jiajia is so good that boy will definitely like it." Wang Ming is not worried about this, in his eyes Gu Jiajia is so good, there is a boy who can stop her charm!
Even if you didn't like it before, you will definitely like Gu Jiajia after getting along, just like him and Lin Xiyan.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you." Lin Xiyan looked at the confident Wang Ming, and really didn't understand where his confidence came from. Gu Jiajia is very good, but that boy might not like Gu Jiajia... …

"Yanyan, what are you thinking? Frowning." Fu Xiaorong saw Lin Xiyan sitting on the sofa and ran over to ask.

"I'm thinking about Jiajia."

Fu Xiaorong heard that Gao Yi came to harass Gu Jiajia, and thought that Lin Xiyan was worried about it and comforted her: "It's okay, that person doesn't dare to do anything." surprise.

She always thought that the school was full of people who were studying, but she didn't expect there to be such a dude as Gao Yi.

Lin Xiyan didn't tell Fu Xiaorong that she wasn't worried about this, but asked how Fu Xiaorong and Yang Guanghua got along recently?
In the past few months, Fu Xiaorong has been leaving early and returning late, and she is rarely seen at home, so Lin Xiyan doesn't have time to have a good chat with her.

Today I finally have time, Lin Xiyan is not going to let Fu Xiaorong off so easily.

When Lin Xiyan mentioned Yang Guanghua, Fu Xiaorong said shyly: "We get along well, and recently I found a foreign company suitable for my part-time job near his part-time job, and I am about to go to work.

"Why did you suddenly think of going to a foreign company to work part-time? Didn't you say you were waiting?" Lin Xiyan was surprised. She had persuaded Fu Xiaorong to work in a state-owned company before, but why did she suddenly change her mind? .

Could it be that Yang Guanghua can even give up her own ideals?

(End of this chapter)

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