Chapter 301

The person in charge of the rental shop was also very helpless when he saw this woman. She had made trouble a few times before, but because the trouble was not big, the woman apologized and let it go.

Unexpectedly, this woman refused to change after repeated admonitions, and even got into trouble in front of Wang Ming.The person in charge of the leased shop also regrets it now. What did he think in the first place that he would rent the shop to such a person.

But since Wang Ming asked, the person in charge of the lease could only tell the truth.

Lin Xiyan also understood, it turned out that this woman and her husband rented a shop in a remote corner of the supermarket because they were greedy for cheap, but later they were dissatisfied with the location of the shop, so they kept looking for shopkeepers in the supermarket trouble, hoping to use women's nonsense to achieve their purpose of changing shops.It's just that it's annoying to be able to open a store in a supermarket now, and the goal of a woman has never been achieved.

Seeing that Gu Jiajia was alone in the shop, she set her mind on Gu Jiajia, but she didn't expect the incident to become so big and out of control.

Wang Ming was also speechless. He looked at the person in charge of the rental shop blamingly, thinking that it was his dereliction of duty that caused such a big incident by failing to investigate the rental shop properly.

The person in charge of the leased shop knew he was in the wrong, so he dared not face Wang Ming squarely.

But things have to be resolved. Wang Ming looked at the woman who was still messing around, and said to the person in charge of the rental store: "Give them the rent and liquidated damages, and let them move out of the supermarket. The supermarket doesn't welcome people who make trouble out of nothing." .”

"This, it's not very good." The person in charge of the rental shop looked at Wang Ming a little embarrassed. The contract has already been signed, so it's not good to drive them out now.

Wang Ming also knew that it was inappropriate for him to do so, but allowing this woman and her husband to stay in the supermarket would only bring more troubles to the supermarket in the future.

Since no matter what you do, it will have an impact on the supermarket.That can only choose a method with a relatively small impact.It's just that when choosing a rental shop in the future, not only the income, but also the character of the rental shop should be considered.

Otherwise, even if you make money, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"Damn woman, what's the fuss. Get out of here soon." A man saw that the situation was out of control, so he ran out and hurled insults at this messy woman.

Then she apologized to Wang Ming for a while, saying: "My mother-in-law is confused, I will take care of her in the future, and similar things won't happen again." Lin Xiyan sneered when she saw the man's hypocrisy. This is not the first time this happened, Lin Xiyan couldn't believe that this man didn't know.

If the woman succeeds, the man will probably be very happy. Now that he fails, it is really hypocritical to push the responsibility for everything to this woman.

"This is not the first time, you guys move out, I will pay for your losses." Wang Ming looked at the man's promise and didn't believe it.

Wang Ming didn't want to make a big fuss, after all, there were so many people watching here, and the supermarket would only lose if it made a big fuss.So Wang Ming wanted to make a compromise and let this matter end like this.

But the man didn't want to leave just like that. He chose to open a store in a supermarket because he felt that there was a lot of traffic in the supermarket, but he could earn money.

Now just give up based on Wang Ming's few words, how can a man be reconciled.

He still wanted to fight for it again, but Wang Ming didn't leave room for the man: "You also know that I have a lot of connections in Shanghai. If you don't leave, then I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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