Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 311 Chapter 311 Meeting Wang Ming's Parents 6

Chapter 311 Chapter 311 Meeting Wang Ming's Parents 6
"Mom, just get used to Ding Miaoyu. Sooner or later, she will climb on top of you." Wang Ming couldn't understand Chen Yuying's behavior very much. Aren't the sons and daughters all members of the Wang family?Why should it be treated differently.

If he has a child in the future, neither his son nor his daughter Wang Ming will let her suffer any grievances.

"Don't worry about this, just take care of your own affairs." Wang Ming is Chen Yuying's son, and Chen Yuying couldn't understand what he was thinking, but in Chen Yuying's heart, grandsons are more important than granddaughters.She looked at Lin Xiyan, and whispered to Wang Ming, "Third son, after your partner graduates and gets married, you need to have a few more children."

"Mom, don't worry about this matter. I don't care how many children you have, and I don't care if you have a son. You should worry about your precious grandson." Seeing that the fire was about to burn himself, Wang Ming quickly changed the subject. , I dare not continue to chat with Chen Yuying on this topic.

Wang Ming knew in her heart that if Lin Xiyan knew that her mother planned to use her as a reproductive machine, she would definitely be angry, and she might even quarrel with him. Wang Ming didn't want this kind of thing to affect the relationship between him and Lin Xiyan. Feelings.

Thinking of this, Wang Ming felt that it was good for her mother to spoil Wang Chengjie and Ding Miaoyu, at least she didn't have time to trouble herself and Lin Xiyan.

"Third..." Even though Wang Ming had already said that, Chen Yuying was still unwilling.Of the three sons, only Wang Ming does not work in a state-owned enterprise. If he does not have more children, then their Wang family will not only have Wang Chengjie as a grandson, but also no one who will take care of and support each other.

How is this possible?
When Chen Yuying thought of this, she felt that it was impossible. Even if her son disagreed, she still wanted to find a chance to have a good chat with Lin Xiyan in private.No matter what, I have to give birth to a son. Of course, I would be happier if I could have more Chen Yuying.

As for family planning, Chen Yuying is not worried.Wang Ming doesn't work in a state-owned enterprise, and if she breaks the law, she will only be fined. Not to mention that Wang Ming is not short of money, even if Wang Ming really can't afford it, she can help out!As long as Wang Ming can let her hold her grandson.

Chen Yuying didn't notice that Lin Xiyan heard all the conversation between her and Wang Ming, and at that moment her face became ugly.

She had heard from Wang Ming before that his parents were patriarchal, but Lin Xiyan didn't expect it to be so serious.

He actually wanted to use her as a reproductive tool. If Wang Ming hadn't rejected his mother's proposal, Lin Xiyan really wanted to just leave.

"Mom, I'm back. This is the third younger brother's match, she looks really good." Ding Miaoyu brought Wang Chengjie back, and as soon as he entered the door, he began to look at Lin Xiyan, which made Lin Xiyan very unhappy.In addition, what's the point of Chen Yuying's implicit and explicit hints that he looks good, if he can give birth to a grandson for me, that's the real deal.

If Lin Xiyan hadn't looked at Wang Ming's face, she would really have just left.

"Mom, don't talk about it. I have my own discretion." Seeing that her mother was still struggling with the topic just now, Wang Ming hurriedly interrupted.

He didn't want to make Lin Xiyan unhappy because of this kind of thing.

"I didn't do this for your own good. Why are you so ungrateful?" Chen Yuying felt uncomfortable seeing her son keep favoring Lin Xiyan.

Obviously she didn't make any excessive demands, why Wang Ming couldn't understand her painstaking effort in wanting to have a grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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