Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 323 Chapter 323 Teasing 2

Chapter 323 Chapter 323 Teasing 2
"Gu Jiajia..." After Wang Ming knew that he had been tricked, Wang Ming felt very complicated. On the one hand, he was angry at being teased, but on the other hand, he felt a little rejoiced that Lin Xiyan was not at home. Does that mean that everything is still there? room for redemption.

"Yanyan, when will she come back?" Wang Ming asked nervously.

Now Wang Ming hoped that Lin Xiyan would come back sooner, but also feared that Lin Xiyan's anger would not dissipate, and she would be even angrier when she came back to see him.

"Yanyan, it will take some time for her to go back this time."

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll come when Yanyan comes back." Wang Ming said while looking at Gu Jiajia who was giggling, thinking: I can't deal with you now, but the future is long?Let's see.

Gu Jiajia suddenly felt a chill on her back, but the feeling disappeared after a while, and she didn't think much about it, but she didn't know that Wang Ming had already set her sights on her and wanted to teach her a lesson.

After Wang Ming left, Gu Jiajia still hadn't fully vented the resentment in her heart. She leaned into Fu Xiaorong's ear and whispered, "Xiaorong, just let Wang Ming go like this, is it too cheap for him, or we are thinking Find a way to get revenge on him."

"You, it's better to calm down. Wang Ming is not that easy to calculate." Fu Xiaorong looked at Gu Jiajia who was eager to try, and couldn't help but have a headache.

This girl Gu Jiajia won't succeed once, so she thinks Wang Ming is easy to calculate?
The reason why Gu Jiajia was able to succeed this time was because Wang Ming lost his mind because of Lin Xiyan, so he was tricked by Gu Jiajia's little trick.

Now that Wang Ming has been plotted against by Gu Jiajia once, she must be on guard. If Gu Jiajia is plotting against Wang Ming at this time, she will not know who is plotting whom in the end.

"Before Yanyan comes back, do you know that you should stay away from Wang Ming?" Fu Xiaorong warned.Although Wang Ming won't really do anything to Gu Jiajia, but there are ways to torment people. Fu Xiaorong is afraid that Gu Jiajia will be tricked by Wang Ming, an old fox, and she doesn't know who tricked her.

"I see." Gu Jiajia pouted and replied unconvinced.Gu Jiajia also understood in her heart that she was able to count Wang Ming this time because Wang Ming was not prepared in her heart, and her actions caught Wang Ming off guard to achieve her goal.

Now that Wang Ming has come to her senses, she will probably find a way to torment her.

Thinking of this, even Gu Jiajia was still very unconvinced and dared not do anything.

At this moment, Gu Jiajia hoped that Lin Xiyan could come back.

If Lin Xiyan was here, even if Wang Ming discovered her scheme, Wang Ming would not dare to do anything to her.

"Xiaorong, when do you think Yanyan will come back, I miss her."

"Do you want Yanyan, or are you afraid of Wang Ming, and want to use Yanyan as a shield for you?" Fu Xiaorong poked Gu Jiajia's forehead and said helplessly. Hurry up to provoke Wang Ming.

If Wang Ming didn't bother Gu Jiajia much because of Lin Xiyan's face before, it is estimated that according to Gu Jiajia's character, she would have to shed her skin if she was not dead in Wang Ming's hands.

"That's right, I just miss Yanyan." Gu Jiajia pouted, refusing to admit that she was afraid of Wang Ming's revenge no matter what.

(Gu Jiajia resents the author: You said it so bluntly, do I not want to lose face?)
"Oh, really?" Fu Xiaorong looked at Gu Jiajia with suspicion in her eyes, but seeing that Gu Jiajia's head was almost stuck in the ground, Fu Xiaorong didn't make things difficult for Gu Jiajia: "Yanyan will come back in about five or six days. Don't hang around in front of Wang Ming during this time, he probably won't do anything to you..."

Fu Xiaorong paused for a while when she said this, thinking to herself: Now that Wang Ming wants to get Lin Xiyan's forgiveness, she won't do anything to you, and she can't guarantee it later.

(End of this chapter)

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