Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 328 Chapter 328 Xu Fen's Scheming

Chapter 328 Chapter 328 Xu Fen's Scheming

Looking at her silent daughter, Yun Yixin felt as if a needle had been pricked in her heart.She doesn't understand why the matter has developed to this point, but she still wants to try her best to make it up: "Yanyan, how many days will you stay at home this time?"

"Just a day or two. I have something to do in Shanghai, so I need to go back as soon as possible." Lin Xiyan knew that Yun Yixin wanted to stay at home for a few more days, but when she thought of living under the same roof with Lin Zhipeng, Lin Xiyan Xiyan felt that she should leave earlier.In case she and Lin Zhipeng face to face when the time comes, he will be embarrassed and he will be embarrassed too.

Yun Yixin wanted to persuade Lin Xiyan to stay at home for a few more days, but was interrupted by Xu Shanqi: "Then Yanyan, you should pay attention to safety when you return to Shanghai."

Originally, when Lin Zhipeng was not around, Xu Shanqi would definitely stay with Lin Xiyan for a while, but now that Lin Zhipeng was at home, not to mention Lin Xiyan, even Xu Shanqi felt embarrassed.

"Well, then I'll go out first." Lin Xiyan slipped out without giving Yun Yixin a chance to continue talking.

Only Yun Yixin and Xu Shanqi were left in the room. Yun Yixin complained that Xu Shanqi refused to speak for her and left Lin Xiyan at home for a while longer.

Now that Lin Xiyan has gone to Shanghai, it is unknown whether Wang Ming will make Lin Xiyan feel wronged again.

Xu Shanqi was very disdainful of Yun Yixin's actions. On the surface, she kept Lin Xiyan at home because she was afraid that Lin Xiyan would be wronged, but in fact, didn't she want to repair the relationship between Lin Xiyan and Lin Zhipeng?They have already become like this, Yun Yixin still refuses to give up, and is still thinking about repairing the relationship between them, don't you think it's ridiculous?


"Aunt, can you play with me?" Seeing Lin Xiyan coming out, He Qian walked up to Lin Xiyan a little uneasy, and wanted to invite Lin Xiyan to play with her.

Lin Xiyan looked at the girl in front of her and rejected her without hesitation. By the way, she looked at Lin Zhipeng and Xu Fen who were really watching, and thought: If you have nothing to do with Lin Zhipeng, I have nothing to do to play with you It's nothing; but you are Lin Zhipeng's daughter, and Lin Xiyan doesn't want to get involved with Lin Zhipeng just because of He Qian.

"Aunt..." He Qian didn't want to give up just like that, she kept pulling Lin Xiyan's hand and insisted that Lin Xiyan play with her.

Lin Xiyan was annoyed by He Qian, but she was worried that He Qian was just a little girl who didn't shake off her hand, but opened her hand little by little, and said expressionlessly: "I still have something to do. You can play by yourself." As Lin Xiyan said that, she gave Lin Zhipeng and Xu Fen a meaningful look, knowing in her heart that if these two people hadn't said this, this little girl would not have been pestering her all the time.But are they too naive, thinking that letting a little girl come over will give them face, thinking that everything that happened before will pass slowly...

Lin Xiyan didn't want to waste time with these two people, so she returned to her room with a blank expression after breaking He Qian's hand.

He Qian was frightened by this turn of events. She clearly said that as long as she behaved well, her aunt would like her. Why is the reality different from what her mother said.

Seeing that He Qian was frightened, Lin Zhipeng hurried over to hug He Qian. While comforting He Qian, he complained to Xu Fen: "Didn't I tell you not to do this before, why didn't you listen?"

"Didn't I just want to find a chance to repair the relationship between you brothers and sisters?" Xu Fen felt wronged, and Lin Zhipeng blamed her even though she had good intentions.At the same time, Xu Fen felt sorry for He Qian and complained that Lin Xiyan was unkind.

(End of this chapter)

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