Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 366 Chapter 366

Chapter 366 Chapter 366

After a while, Wang Duo came back from the counter and saw that the original seat was empty, Wang Duo's face became a little ugly.

At this moment, he finally understood why Ding Miaoyu kept stopping him from going to pay the bill just now. It turned out that he knew the price a long time ago but kept hiding it from him.

In vain, he still considered everything for them, and even did not hesitate to offend his wife for them. Now it seems that he is a complete idiot.

Wang Duo shook his head in disappointment, but he didn't dare to tell his wife all this, for fear that she would blame him for it.

In the end, Wang Duo had no choice but to turn to those friends who usually had a good relationship with him, hoping that they could help him.

Wang Duo's friends were very surprised when they heard Wang Duo's request. Wang Duo has always been a self-disciplined person on weekdays. How could he do such a stupid thing?Could it be that he was cheated by someone?The friend was very worried about this, and only after he kept questioning did he know the cause and effect of the matter.

Wang Duo's friends didn't know what to say about this, they had already reminded him that Wang Kai is not a good person and told him to stay away from Wang Kai, but Wang Duo didn't listen.

It's right to be tricked now, but fortunately, the amount is not particularly large, so it's worth spending money to buy a lesson.

However, this friend of Wang Duo's is also a righteous person. Not long after receiving Wang Duo's call, he ran over to pay off the money owed by Wang Duo 1, and reminded Wang Duo: "Don't rush to pay back the money this time. , and don’t tell your sister-in-law, it will save you from quarreling.”

"I know." Wang Duo lowered his head, his face full of confusion.His parents taught him since he was a child: He is an older brother and he should take good care of his younger brother.

But what happened today made Wang Duo suspicious of his parents' teaching. He always put his parents and younger brother first, but they abandoned him without hesitation after encountering something... Could it really be like As my wife said, was I wrong?

Seeing the confusion on Wang Duo's face, Wang Duo's friend couldn't help but sighed.I thought to myself: Wang Duo is a good brother, but people like Wang Kai are not worthy of being paid for him.

"Giving is relative. A selfish person like Wang Kai is not worthy of your kindness to him. With that time, you might as well put your mind on your sister-in-law and your daughter, and don't let them be wronged."

"I know." Wang Duo's face was ugly, and he blamed himself for being stupid.Even his friends knew that he had wronged his wife, but he didn't know anything.

If it weren't for Wang Kai's actions today that were too much, I'm afraid he would have been kept in the dark.

"Don't be dazed, go back quickly. Don't make sister-in-law wait in a hurry." Wang Duo's friend didn't want Wang Duo to blame himself so much, reminded.

Although Wang Duo did many wrong things before, but now everything is not irreparable, as long as he sincerely apologizes and corrects his previous mistakes, I believe his wife and daughter will forgive him.

"En." After Wang Duo expressed his gratitude to his friend, he rushed home without stopping.

But when he reached the door of the house, Wang Duo stopped and turned to buy his wife and daughter their favorite food.

Looking at this familiar shop, Wang Duo couldn't remember the last time he came to buy things for his wife and daughter.Wang Duo's heart was full of self-blame, and he thought: I have neglected my wife and daughter for too long, and I owe them too much. I hope everything can be redeemed as my friend said.

(End of this chapter)

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