Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 382 Chapter 382 Fu Xiaorong Wants to Start a Business

Chapter 382 Chapter 382 Fu Xiaorong Wants to Start a Business

"Then let him stay for a period of time for a trial period. If he dissatisfies me during this period, then we will talk about it later." Hearing Lin Xiyan said to let Zhang Chengqian stay, Wang Ming also breathed a sigh of relief.If Zhang Chengqian was missed, Wang Ming really didn't know where to find someone who would satisfy Lin Xiyan.

The main thing is that it is not so easy to find a person who meets Lin Xiyan's requirements. Most of the people who meet Lin Xiyan's requirements are arrogant and unwilling to work in a small milk tea shop like Lin Xiyan, while those who do not meet Lin Xiyan Wang Ming didn't even think about asking for it.

Otherwise, Wang Ming wouldn't have spent more than two months finding a suitable candidate.

In the following period of time, Lin Xiyan seemed to be busy with school and milk tea shops, and neglected other aspects to some extent.It wasn't until Fu Xiaorong came to her and said that she was going to sell her shares in the barbecue restaurant that Lin Xiyan realized that something serious happened to Fu Xiaorong.

Fu Xiaorong didn't plan to say it at first, but under Lin Xiyan's constant questioning, Fu Xiaorong said hesitantly: "My senior sister wants to start a business and open a translation agency of her own, and I want to share the money from the barbecue restaurant with my own I bought the shares to invest in my senior sister's translation agency."

When Lin Xiyan heard Fu Xiaorong's words, she felt that Fu Xiaorong was too naive.

That translation agency hasn't been registered yet, let alone its future, it's still illusory. Since Fu Xiaorong decided to invest all her wealth in it, she didn't want to think about what would happen if it failed.

But looking at Fu Xiaorong's firm eyes, Lin Xiyan knew that she had already decided on this matter, even if she persuaded Fu Xiaorong, she might not change her mind, so she could only let her go: "Xiaorong, how much money do you still need? Here you are, as for the shares of the barbecue restaurant, just keep it, if you fail in the future, there is a way out."

Fu Xiaorong was not happy to hear Lin Xiyan say that, she said she would fail before she even did this, is she looking down on herself...

Seeing that Fu Xiaorong had misunderstood, Lin Xiyan quickly explained: "Xiaorong, don't get me wrong that I don't have any other intentions. I'm just afraid that you will invest all your income in it. If you fail, you will have no way out."

Under Lin Xiyan's persuasion, Fu Xiaorong also gradually calmed down.She doesn't have much contact with this industry, and she doesn't know what to do if she really starts a business.

Just like Lin Xiyan said, people still have to leave a way out for themselves, or if they fail, they really don't even have a way out.

"Yanyan, thank you. I don't need the money, and I will always keep the shares."

Lin Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Fu Xiaorong's words. What she was most afraid of was that Fu Xiaorong felt that all businesses were easy to do because it was easy for her to do business.

He put all his assets into a single business, and in the end lost all his money, and there was no way out.

The reason why Lin Xiyan thinks this way is not because she looks down on Fu Xiaorong, but because Lin Xiyan clearly understands that starting a business is not easy.

Lin Xiyan herself was able to be so successful because she relied on the memory of her previous life and knew the future situation, otherwise Lin Xiyan would not dare to be so bold.

And for someone like Fu Xiaorong who doesn't understand anything, it's better to be cautious at the beginning.

"Does Xiaorong want to start a business too?" Gu Jiajia was confused. In her eyes, starting a business just followed Lin Xiyan. Why bother to go to such lengths without knowing the future.

(End of this chapter)

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