Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 385 Chapter 385 Yang Guanghua 2

Chapter 385 Chapter 385 Yang Guanghua 2
Gu Jiajia nodded, and said to Lin Xiyan, "I'm not a fool, how could I tell Xiaorong about this kind of thing."

Gu Jiajia and Lin Xiyan's attention was focused on Yang Guanghua's affairs, and no one noticed that there was a person at the corner of the stairs who heard everything they said.

"Does he have a new girlfriend?" Fu Xiaorong murmured to herself in despair. She always knew that she had paid more in the relationship between her and Yang Guanghua.

But Fu Xiaorong would still lie to herself. Yang Guanghua had feelings for her, but she broke up with her only due to the pressure of public opinion.

But when she heard that Yang Guanghua had a new girlfriend, she could no longer deceive herself, and she could no longer naively believe that Yang Guanghua had true feelings for her...

"Kang Dang..." Fu Xiaorong accidentally bumped into a box at the corner of the stairs, and the loud noise alarmed Lin Xiyan and Gu Jiajia who were chatting in the living room.

The two looked at Fu Xiaorong who was standing at the top of the stairs, a little at a loss, and looked at each other as if they were asking each other: "Why did she come down, Xiaorong, did she hear what they just said..."

"Xiaorong, did you hear that?" Lin Xiyan asked cautiously.

"Well, I have already broken up with him. His affairs have nothing to do with me. Don't pay attention to his affairs in the future."

Lin Xiyan looked at Fu Xiaorong's distraught look, her red and swollen eye sockets thought to herself: Is it because of nothing?If you really don't care, why would you toss yourself like this for that man's affairs.

But afraid of irritating Fu Xiaorong, Lin Xiyan could only pretend that she didn't know anything: "Xiaorong, aren't you just a man? Without Yang Guanghua, I'll find you a better one."

"That's right. Wang Ming said that he would take us to the movies today. I heard that there is a new movie that is very good. Let's go watch it together. Just treat it as a refreshment..."

Lin Xiyan glared at Gu Jiajia, thinking that this girl really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to carry. Knowing that Fu Xiaorong was sad about Yang Guanghua's matter, she still mentioned Wang Ming in front of her.

Gu Jiajia also realized that she had said something wrong, touched her nose and stopped talking.

"Yanyan, go play with Jiajia. You don't have to worry about me if I'm fine."

"Xiaorong, if you don't go, I won't go either, Yanyan, you and Wang Ming can go out and play together."

Gu Jiajia knew clearly that if Fu Xiaorong was around, she could still play with Fu Xiaorong, but if Fu Xiaorong wasn't around, then she could only pester Lin Xiyan.

How could Wang Ming welcome her, a one-kilowatt light bulb, to disturb her and Lin Xiyan's two-person world.

Now that she knew that Wang Ming would not welcome her, why did she rush to find her?

"Alright then." Although Lin Xiyan was still worried about Fu Xiaorong, she and Wang Ming hadn't been alone together for a long time.

Both of them are relatively busy, and if they miss this opportunity, they don't know when the next time will be.

"Well, Yanyan, go and clean up quickly, Wang Ming will come to pick you up later." Fu Xiaorong urged, Lin Xiyan finally had time to go out with Wang Ming, of course she had to dress up well, with the best State to meet her sweetheart.

Lin Xiyan glanced at the time and found that it was almost six o'clock, and Wang Ming came to pick her up at 06:30.

But she is still wearing pajamas and her hair is greasy, she really needs to spend time to dress up, otherwise how can she see Wang Ming with such a messy appearance when he comes over.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiyan quickly ran to her room to dress up.

(End of this chapter)

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