Chapter 395

"Yanyan, when it's winter vacation, can I go to your hometown with you to have fun, and take a look at your little nephew along the way."

Gu Jiajia's sudden words made Lin Xiyan stunned.

It's not impossible to go to her hometown to play.

It's just that the Chinese New Year will be coming soon after the winter vacation, and it's freezing cold again, so there probably won't be much fun in their hometown.

Lin Xiyan didn't want Gu Jiajia to toss back and forth, so she said: "Jiajia, my hometown is far worse than here in Shanghai, and there is no fun place, do you really want to go there?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you stay at your house if you can't."

"Then won't your parents have any objections?" Seeing that Gu Jiajia insisted on going, Lin Xiyan stopped trying to persuade her.

It's just that Lin Xiyan still feels that it is unlikely that Gu Jiajia will go back with them. Can Gu Jiajia's parents in this cold winter allow Gu Jiajia to go outside with them?
"I'll take care of it with my parents." Gu Jiajia said with a smile.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, her parents and two older brothers would be busy with various things, either leaving her at home alone, or sending her to the Gu family's old house.

It's too lonely to stay at home alone, and a lively person like Gu Jiajia will definitely not be able to bear it;

But Gu Jiajia was not happy about going to the old house of the Gu family. Her father had a bad relationship with those people in the old house of the Gu family. In addition to her old-fashioned grandfather, Gu Jiajia knew that if she went back, she would definitely be squeezed out everywhere.

This is also the reason why Gu Jiajia has always resisted going to the Gu family's old house since she was sensible. In Gu Jiajia's eyes, except for those times when she had to go, she would not be willing to step into the Gu family's old house even if she stayed at home alone at other times.

"Okay, you go back and ask your parents first, if they agree, I will have no problem."

"Yanyan, I knew you were the best." After hearing Lin Xiyan's agreement, Gu Jiajia hugged Lin Xiyan excitedly.


The Gu family, when He Huizhen heard that Gu Jiajia said that she would go back to her hometown with Lin Xiyan, her brows were furrowed.

She didn't support Gu Jiajia's going in her heart. On the one hand, it's almost Chinese New Year. Gu Jiajia used to say that she might cause trouble to Lin Xiyan's family. This is what He Huizhen didn't want to see

On the other hand, the old man of the Gu family is so old-fashioned. If he knew that Gu Jiajia was celebrating Chinese New Year, he would go out to play, and he might reprimand Gu Jiajia when he came back. He Huizhen didn't want her daughter to be wronged when she came back.

Gu Qinghua was open-minded, and after hearing Gu Jiajia's proposal, he agreed without saying a word.

"You asked Jiajia to go to Lin Xiyan's side, how do you explain to the old house?"

"How do you explain? At worst, the old man will say a few words, it's not a big deal." Gu Qinghua said disdainfully.

Over the years, he has seen clearly the true colors of the people in the old house—the people in the old house are purely the type of looking for trouble, even if nothing happened, they are still picking bones from eggs and making various excuses Come and crush him and his family.

Gu Qinghua thought to himself: Since someone must bear this grievance, let him bear it!

Who made him the pillar of the family.

Gu Jiajia didn't pay attention so much. Knowing that her father agreed that she and Lin Xiyan would go back together, she couldn't wait to go back and tell Lin Xiyan the good news.

Although He Huizhen felt that there was something wrong with doing this, but when she saw Gu Jiajia's happy back, the words of dissuasion stuck in her mouth and she didn't say it, she thought: Forget it, these adults will be responsible for these things, as for the children, as long as they are happy up.

"Jiajia, remember to be sensible when you go there, don't cause trouble for Lin Xiyan, you know?"

"Well, I know." As long as she can go back with Lin Xiyan, no matter what kind of request He Huizhen makes, she will not object.

(End of this chapter)

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