Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 398 Chapter 398 The Current Situation of the Gu Family 2

Chapter 398 Chapter 398 The Current Situation of the Gu Family 2
"That's right, Xin'er is also your niece, how can you say that about her?" The old lady of the Gu family was also very dissatisfied, even if Gu Qinghua was dissatisfied with the old man, she shouldn't humiliate her niece like this.


Gu Qinghua only felt irony in his heart. The old man and the old lady are partial to the chicken coop. His daughter can be humiliated by others. When it comes to their beloved child, no one is allowed to tell the truth...

Gu Qinghua was wasting time with these people, so he found an excuse and left the old house of the Gu family.

No matter what the old man scolded behind him, Gu Qinghua pretended he didn't hear it.

"Old man, why should you?"

The old lady of the Gu family could feel Gu Qinghua's chilling heart, but the old man of the Gu family was used to being strong in this family. Even if she wanted to speak for Gu Qinghua and the others, the old man of the Gu family would not listen.

The old man of the Gu family turned his head and left the living room. He didn't want to hear the old lady of the Gu family continue nagging, and he didn't take the behavior of his wife and Gu Qinghua to heart. Gu Qinghua was born by him. As long as he was still alive, Gu Qinghua would not be able to make any trouble.

The old lady of the Gu family sighed, thinking, there is nothing wrong now, but the old man is not young anymore, and he can handle the situation now.After he died, the situation could no longer be suppressed. Maybe he wanted to see his sons tear their faces apart.

Thinking of this, the old lady of the Gu family began to worry about what happened to them. If it was really what she thought, then she probably wouldn't die in peace.

Thinking of this, the old lady of the Gu family found her eldest son and younger son again, and chatted with them about brotherhood, telling them not to do things too much, so as not to chill Gu Qinghua's heart.

However, the old lady of the Gu family got perfunctory answers, which made her dissatisfied but helpless, who made her have no right to speak in this family.


"Are you saying that my mother is getting old and her brain is out of order?" Gu Qingguo, the boss of the Gu family, said in disbelief. You must know that in this family, his mother doesn't have any sense of existence at first thought, but today she would uncharacteristically help Gu Qinghua speak, I'm not afraid that the old man will be angry when he finds out.

Gu Qingguo has no brains, but his wife Yao Yuting is a smart person, and she understood what the old lady of the Gu family meant when she heard it.

Yao Yuting also knew that Gu Wenbin was developing so well now, and they might ask Gu Wenbin for something in the future. Under such circumstances, it was really not suitable to tear the face off with Gu Qinghua's family.

"The old man is not young, and I don't know how long he can last. We still have to rely on your brother in the future."

Although Yao Yuting didn't specify the surname and said it was Gu Qinghua, Gu Qingguo understood that the brother here refers to Gu Qinghua.

As for the third brother Gu Qingbang, Gu Qingguo didn't think about it at all.Don't look at the two people who look like brothers and sisters in front of the old man of the Gu family. In fact, they have already torn their faces for the things in the hands of the old man of the Gu family.

If the old man of the Gu family were to go in the future, the two of them would probably have a quarrel to the point where they would not communicate with each other immediately.

"I see, how has Xin'er been in the past two days?" Gu Qingguo remembered that when Gu Qingbang laughed at Gu Xin'er in private for being shameless, and when no one wanted to post upside down, he was very dissatisfied with this daughter, and complained that she was embarrassing himself.

But the complaints belong to the complaints. After all, it is Gu Qingguo's biological daughter. He still hopes that Gu Xin'er's future will be better.

Hearing her husband mention her daughter, Yao Yuting also hated iron and steel, but seeing her daughter keep losing weight for a man, Yao Yuting still felt distressed: "Is there really no hope for the marriage between Xin'er and Ling Zhenghu?"

(End of this chapter)

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