Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 402 Chapter 402 Zheng Guangrong

Chapter 402 Chapter 402 Zheng Guangrong

After everyone's whereabouts were arranged, Lin Xiyan went back with Xu Shanqi at ease.

When Lin Xiyan got home, she found that besides the people she didn't want to see in the old house, there was another person who disgusted her and shouldn't be here. That was Zheng Guangrong, Lin Xiyan's previous life. s husband.

When Lin Xiyan saw him, she unconsciously thought of her tragic life in her previous life, and a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes: "Sister-in-law, who is he, why did he appear here?"

Xu Shanqi noticed that something was wrong with Lin Xiyan, but she didn't think much about it because the presence of these people from the old house made Lin Xiyan unhappy.

Xu Shanqi herself doesn't like these people in the old house, but Lin Zhipeng is about to get married, and it's not good to drive them out at this time, so she can only turn a blind eye and pretend that she can't see these people.

As for the person Lin Xiyan asked, Xu Shanqi explained: "His name is Zheng Guangrong, and he is Lin Jiahui's fiancé. It seems that they will get married in the next year."

Lin Jiahui's fiancé, to get married after the next year?

Lin Xiyan couldn't help being startled when she heard these words. Could this be the butterfly effect brought about by her rebirth?
In his previous life, Zheng Guangrong had always been very picky, relying on his education background, he didn't even look at those who didn't have a degree or a stable job. How could he fall in love with Lin Jiahui in this life.But no matter why, they must be stopped, and Lin Jiahui cannot be allowed to repeat the tragedy of her previous life.

But the most important thing now is to figure out why Zheng Guangrong is with Lin Jiahui.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiyan handed the things in Xu Shanqi's hands and said, "Sister-in-law, I still have something to go out, can you put the things in the room for me, can you?"

"Why are you in such a hurry to go out just after you come back?" Yun Yixin complained dissatisfied, she really didn't know what her daughter was busy with in Shanghai, she was so busy.

I finally came back from the summer vacation and didn’t stay for a few days. Now that I’m back, I’m going to run outside before my buttocks are settled.

"Wang Ming came back with me. I remembered that I had something to tell him. I must come back before dark."

Unable to think of any good excuse, Lin Xiyan could only pull Wang Ming out as a shield.

Yun Yixin heard Lin Xiyan mention that Wang Ming was not talking, but just told Lin Xiyan to go outside and pay attention to safety.

Lin Xiyan responded perfunctorily, and hurried out.

At first, Lin Xiyan planned to ask Hai Ge to help her investigate this matter, but after thinking about it, Lin Xiyan still gave up this idea.It's winter vacation now, and most of them have already gone home from school. It is not easy to inquire about this matter.

Moreover, Lin Xiyan was afraid that Brother Hai would spend too much time, and it would be too late to check the results.

So she changed the way and went to Fu Xiaorong's house. Fu Xiaorong was surprised to see Lin Xiyan. Didn't Lin Xiyan just go back? Why did she come to look for her?

"Yanyan, why are you here?"

"Xiao Rong, last time I heard you said that you have a cousin who is at the Normal University in the provincial capital, can I ask you to find someone for me?"

"Who is it? You said I'll help you to ask. I'll go find you the day after tomorrow when your second brother gets married, and I'll tell you the news I've heard."

Although Fu Xiaorong was very curious about what kind of person made Lin Xiyan so anxious, but as a smart person, she didn't ask.

Knowing too much about some things is not good, she just needs to tell her what Lin Xiyan wants. As for why Lin Xiyan wants this, Fu Xiaorong didn't ask, and she doesn't want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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