Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

425 Chapter 425 Wang Kai Plans to Divorce 2

425 Chapter 425 Wang Kai Plans to Divorce 2
Thinking of this, Ding Miaoyu got up dragging her bruised body, struggling to call Chen Yuying for help.

No one answered the two previous calls. Not only was Ding Miaoyu's heart hanging in the air, she also thought that Wang Kai had already said hello to Wang Guangxin and Chen Yuying, so they would not answer her call.

Thinking of these things, Ding Miaoyu became anxious and kept making calls.

Fortunately, after a while, the call was finally connected, and Ding Miaoyu's heart was finally relieved a little.

When Chen Yuying received Ding Miaoyu's call, she was a little surprised and asked impatiently: "What's the matter, I'll hang up if I'm fine."

"Mom, Wang Kai wants to divorce me."

After hearing this, Chen Yuying frowned. These sons were not at ease. Wang Ming had already been seduced by Lin Xiyan, a vixen. She didn't care about what Wang Ming said; now Wang Kai and Ding Miaoyu Divorce broke out again, don't you know that the couple will be in love for a day?
What good is it for them to make such a fuss? It will also hurt Wang Chengjie.

Thinking of her precious grandson, Chen Yuying's expression became even uglier and she asked Ding Miaoyu sharply: "What did you do to make the second child unhappy?"

When Ding Miaoyu heard Chen Yuying's eccentric words, she couldn't help scolding Chen Yuying hundreds of times in her heart, but she didn't dare to express her grievance in her voice and said, "I didn't do anything."

"I didn't do anything, will the second child divorce you?" Chen Yuying said in disbelief. In her eyes, her sons are all good, but they were taught badly by those malicious women outside.Thinking of the bad woman, Chen Yuying glared at Wang Ming who had just rushed back from other places.

Wang Ming, who was lying on the gun for no reason, touched his nose, thinking in his heart that Wang Kai and Ding Miaoyu must not be divorced.

Wang Kai dared to calculate him like this, so how could he let him get his wish.Moreover, both Ding Miaoyu and Wang Kai are top-notch, if they are not bound together, it would be too bad to let them go out to harm other people...

"Okay, I see." Chen Yuying and Ding Miaoyu chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.After Wang Ming saw that Chen Yuying hung up the phone, she rushed to Chen Yuying's side to hold her arm, and asked gloatingly, "Mom, second brother and second sister-in-law are going to divorce?"

"You'd better take care of your own affairs. I'll take care of your second brother's affairs."

How could Wang Ming let go of such a good opportunity so easily? He pretended not to see Chen Yuying's attitude, and said casually: "This second brother is really real. How could he divorce his second sister-in-law? There is still Chengjie between them. Now, if they get divorced and Cheng Jie soon becomes a child without a mother..."

Wang Ming understood that Wang Chengjie was the biggest weakness in Chen Yuying's heart. As long as it was related to Wang Chengjie, other people's opinions had to be compromised.

Wang Ming is also using this to remind Chen Yuying that Wang Kai and Ding Miaoyu must not divorce, otherwise Wang Chengjie will become a child without a mother or a stepmother, in this case Wang Chengjie will definitely be wronged...

Sure enough, after Wang Ming finished speaking, Chen Yuying frowned.She knew very well in her heart that Wang Kai was still young, and she would definitely remarry after divorce.

Even if Ding Miaoyu is not a respectful mother, she is ten thousand times better than her stepmother, so Chen Yuying does not want Wang Kai and Ding Miaoyu to divorce unless it is absolutely necessary.

Seeing that Chen Yuying was a little shaken, Wang Ming continued to persuade: "There is no such big hatred between this husband and wife, why don't you bring them all back and talk, maybe the second brother is also confused for a while, you persuade him Just figured it out."

(End of this chapter)

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