Reborn 1980s Bai Fumei

Chapter 429 Chapter 429 Incident

Chapter 429 Chapter 429 Incident
Chen Yuying wanted to call Wang Kai to discuss it, but heard Wang Kai's friend said that he had already come to BJ, and he could not be contacted for the time being.

Chen Yuying's eyes turned black after hearing this, what should she do if she can't contact her son?
Although Chen Yuying was dissatisfied with Wang Kai causing so many troubles, she was still reluctant to blame her son for all the faults, so she could only blame Ding Miaoyu for everything, thinking that she was the culprit of everything.

I also feel that none of the daughters-in-law here is a good thing, and I have promised myself not to tell it, why not keep my word.

Originally, Chen Yuying had a little bit of sympathy for Ding Miaoyu, but it all disappeared at this moment.She regretted in her heart why she helped Ding Miaoyu, causing Wang Kai and herself to fall into such a dilemma.

But now is not the time to regret, the most important thing at present is how to solve this dilemma.

The old man of the Wang family is the most taboo about these things, if he knows about this, Wang Kai may be dared to leave the house.

No, she must not let this happen.

Although Chen Yuying herself wanted to help Wang Kai, the fact was that it was too difficult. She couldn't think of any good solution by herself, so she could only ask Wang Guangxin and Wang Ming for help.

After Wang Ming heard about Chen Yuying's intentions, she knew that Ding Miaoyu had already gone to the old house, and he just needed to watch a play.

As for saving Wang Kai, how could this be possible.

This matter was calculated by Wang Ming, how could he help him.If possible, Wang Ming would add fuel to the fire, making this event even more "lively".

However, Chen Yuying must not let Chen Yuying know this kind of true thought. Wang Ming concealed all the gloating on his face, and said in embarrassment: "This happened too suddenly, and I didn't think about it for a while. manage."

Wang Guangxin's complexion was not good. He glanced at Chen Yuying complainingly, and said in a bad tone: "Help him, he has the face to do this kind of thing, let me help him, let him fend for himself."

Chen Yuying was shocked, Wang Kai is Wang Guangxin's son, how could he say something that would let Wang Kai die on his own.

Originally, Chen Yuying was angered by Ding Miaoyu's matter, but now Wang Guangxin said such words, how could she accept them, and said angrily: "Do you have other women outside, even your own son is ignored."

Wang Guangxin got a headache when he saw Chen Yuying's snarling. The reason why Wang Kai is here today is not because Chen Yuying got used to it.

Spoiling and rolling here, why not think about whether your son has other women outside...

Otherwise, how could Wang Kai propose a divorce to Ding Miaoyu suddenly?

"This is impossible." Chen Yuying was a little apprehensive, and her tone was not as tough as before.

Wang Guangxin didn't say that Chen Yuying didn't think of it, but her husband said that Chen Yuying thought it was possible.

If the son really has other women outside, it will be much more serious than everything now.

What Wang Guangxin and Chen Yuying can think of, the rest of the Wang family can naturally think of.It's just that no one dared to speak out, for fear of irritating the old man.

Ding Miaoyu saw that everyone misunderstood, and she didn't explain why she was just crying silently on the side.

Through what happened during this period of time, Ding Miaoyu has figured it out, Wang Kai is not a good person, and Chen Yuying is not a good mother-in-law, and she will only suffer from staying in the Wang family.Now she wants to take advantage of Wang Kai's current situation and make the Wang family bleed severely, and then she can take the money to find a place where no one knows her and start a new life.

As for whether the Ding family will bear Wang Kai's anger, Ding Miaoyu doesn't want to care.

She had done so many things for that family before, but no one was willing to give her a hand when she was down...

(End of this chapter)

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