Chapter 434

Soon after the new year, it was Lin Jiahui's wedding.Lin Xiyan didn't go to Lin Jiahui's wedding just because she didn't want to see Zheng Guangrong's disgusting face.

Lin Xiyan also reminded Lin Jiahui on the sidelines, but Lin Jiahui didn't take Lin Xiyan's reminder to heart, and Lin Xiyan couldn't say much.


What Lin Xiyan didn't expect was that Zheng Guangrong had already taken the initiative to find Zheng Guangrong before he could trouble him.

Lin Xiyan was really surprised. In this life, she and Zheng Guangrong had almost no contact at all. How could he suddenly come to her door.

But when Lin Xiyan saw Lin Jiaqi who was hiding aside, she didn't understand what was going on.Lin Xiyan asked with an ugly face, "Is there something wrong?"

In fact, if Zheng Guangrong hadn't blocked Lin Xiyan's way out, Lin Xiyan wouldn't even bother to talk to him.

Lin Xiyan also thought about taking revenge on Zheng Guangrong before, but after Lin Xiyan calmed down, she felt that there was no need to disturb her life for such an insignificant person, so she chose to ignore everything about Zheng Guangrong.

"I just wanted to ask why you didn't go to my wedding with Jiahui."

"I've caught a cold. It's too cold to run around outside." Lin Xiyan made an excuse to prevaricate the matter, and then looked at Zheng Guangrong and Lin Jiaqi warily.

Lin Xiyan knew these two people too well, knowing that it was impossible for these two people to come over because of such a trivial matter, and there must be other purposes.

No matter what Lin Xiyan doesn't want to play with their purpose, she just wants to send these two malicious guys away as soon as possible.

Lin Jiaqi knew that Lin Xiyan was not easy to deal with, so she had already made sufficient mental preparations before doing this.

No matter what, we must find a way to get Lin Xiyan to agree, otherwise, according to her file with black spots, she will definitely be randomly assigned to remote areas in the future.

This is by no means what Lin Jiaqi wants to see. She finally got admitted to university, how can she be reconciled to the growing gap with Lin Xiyan...

As for Zheng Guangrong, Lin Jiaqi knew that she was the same kind of person as herself, and they were all so selfish.

It was precisely because of Zheng Guangrong's character that Lin Jiaqi wanted to use him as a pawn to achieve her goals.

Zheng Guangrong is not stupid either, he doesn't understand what Lin Jiaqi is thinking, it's just that this matter is also beneficial to him, so he chooses to join forces with Lin Jiaqi.

"Sister Yanyan, do you know anyone in Shanghai?"

"I don't know." Lin Xiyan said decisively, she still doesn't know what Lin Jiaqi's purpose is for asking this, but no matter what kind of purpose Lin Jiaqi has, Lin Xiyan will not help her.

Facing Lin Xiyan's rejection without hesitation, Lin Jiaqi's complexion was not good.But she had expected this situation before she came, so she continued to ask without any surprise: "Does the brother-in-law have anything to do with being in Shanghai?"

Seeing Lin Jiaqi sticking to it like a dog's skin plaster, Lin Xiyan replied impatiently: "It doesn't matter, it's none of your business, don't bother me."

"They're all relatives. Isn't it reasonable to help each other?"

As soon as Zheng Guangrong opened his mouth, Lin Xiyan was disgusted. She and them were not relatives, but almost enemies.

It was so reasonable to want her to help, as if she, Lin Xiyan, owed them.

And these are two poisonous snakes who don't know how to be grateful at all. Lin Xiyan has a sick mind to bring them to her side to add to her troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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