Chapter 451

The things that Lin Jiaqi did have already spread in Lin Xiyan's hometown, and Fu Xiaorong naturally heard about it.

After coming to Shanghai, I shared this matter with Lin Xiyan, and looked at Lin Xiyan curiously: "Are you and Lin Jiaqi really cousins? It doesn't look like it."

Fu Xiaorong also heard from Lin Xiyan that Lin Jiaqi had cheated on her a lot before, but could Lin Xiyan be cheated by Lin Jiaqi's IQ?

Fu Xiaorong thought it was impossible.

"She couldn't hold her breath for a while. She is not like this on weekdays."

Thinking back that Lin Jiaqi had been hiding behind her back and using others as her guns before, the impatience this time should not only be a stain on the file, but also something that Lin Xiyan didn't know about.

Lin Xiyan didn't care about what happened to Lin Jiaqi, she just expected Lin Jiaqi to cut off all her backs, what would she do next.

"Yanyan, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing, just tell me about it, don't mention it in the future." Lin Xiyan reminded the two of them, besides the three of them, Lin Zhihao and Xu Shanqi also come to visit from time to time, Lin Xiyan is not worried What will Xu Shanqi do if she hears it?
But Lin Xiyan had to think more about what Lin Zhihao would think.After all, he and Lin Jiaqi grew up together, and their relationship is much closer than that of Lin Xiyan. Lin Xiyan was worried that Lin Zhihao would stand up for Lin Jiaqi if he found out about this...

Fu Xiaorong didn't know Lin Xiyan's thoughts, she just thought that Lin Xiyan didn't like them talking about the bad things in her family.

Immediately said that she would not talk nonsense in the future, so that Lin Xiyan could rest assured.Fu Xiaorong herself is not a gossip person, she only cares about this matter because it concerns Lin Xiyan.Now Lin Xiyan doesn't want them to mention more, so Fu Xiaorong will naturally not make Lin Xiyan unhappy with this kind of thing, and immediately said that she will not talk nonsense in the future, so that Lin Xiyan can rest assured.

For Fu Xiaorong, Lin Xiyan is at ease, she is afraid that Gu Jiajia, a girl who is outspoken, will tell the matter without paying attention...

"Yanyan, I won't talk nonsense, so don't worry." Gu Jiajia raised her hand and assured Lin Xiyan. Lin Xiyan looked at it like that and felt that this girl was about to swear...

Lin Xiyan saw that both of them had expressed their opinions, so she didn't say anything more. In the final analysis, it is impossible to hide this matter forever. If Lin Zhihao knows, then make a decision according to the situation.

"Xiaorong, what is your translation agency going to do in the future?" Lin Xiyan had mentioned this matter to Fu Xiaorong long ago, but Fu Xiaorong kept thinking of procrastinating, maybe the business will suddenly improve.

Lin Xiyan thinks this is just a whimsical idea, considering the service attitude of their translation agency, if they want to turn around, the probability of falling into the sky is the same...

But Fu Xiaorong had already decided on this matter, and it was hard for Lin Xiyan to say anything more.

I can only let Fu Xiaorong think about it, and wait for her to figure it out.

When the matter of the translation agency was mentioned, Fu Xiaorong's face instantly became ugly.

This translation agency has been in business for several months, but it has received very few orders, which made Fu Xiaorong start to wonder what went wrong.Obviously seeing Lin Xiyan doing business is easy, why is it different when they come to their place.

Even though Fu Xiaorong knew that the future would be difficult, she still wanted to hold on for a while: "I still want to see the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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