Chapter 472

Listening to Gu Jiajia's innocent words, Lin Xiyan's face was full of helplessness.

This girl is really well protected by her family, she has never seen the dark side of this world at all.

The treatment of those blind and dumb married people in remote areas is not the most outrageous. The most outrageous thing is that some patriarchal families regard their daughters as losers. It is about to be sold to the man as a commodity by the family in exchange for a bride price.

But these are not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that some women are clearly the victims, and they still want to persecute their children...

Lin Xiyan has always felt incomprehensible, isn't mother the greatest existence in this world?Why do you want to repeatedly persecute her children with the injuries you have suffered, and let the pain of patriarchy spread from generation to generation.

Patriarchal, this situation Gu Jiajia knows, like Wang Ming's mother Chen Yuying, she is a patriarchal person, Gu Jiajia originally thought that what Chen Yuying did was too much, but she didn't expect that this was just the tip of the iceberg...

"Yanyan, there is something I forgot to tell you, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Is there anything between us that we can't talk about directly?"

Lin Xiyan was a little puzzled. She felt that with the relationship between her and Gu Jiajia, and Gu Jiajia's carefree personality, there was something she couldn't say directly, and she still hesitated.

"Yanyan, I think it's best not to interfere even if you know about this matter, otherwise I'm worried that you are not a human being." Gu Jiajia reminded that she seemed to have seen Wang Ming's sister Wang Wen not long ago. In order to marry her first love in college, she did not hesitate to completely fall out with the Wang family.

On the day of Wang Wen's wedding, Chen Yuying said that Wang Wen insisted on marrying that man, and she would treat her as if she didn't have Wang Wen's daughter in the future.

Now Wang Wen's life is not easy, if Lin Xiyan intervenes, she might offend Chen Yuying, and Wang Wen's side may not be good for Lin Xiyan.

Gu Jiajia didn't want Lin Xiyan to intervene in such an unpleasant matter.

"I see." Lin Xiyan remembered that she had heard Gu Jiajia mention that Wang Ming had a sister, but she had never seen this Wang Wen after being with Wang Ming for so long, let alone heard Wang Ming mention Wang Ming. Wen.

Lin Xiyan also felt strange, what happened to Wang Ming's sister, why she had never heard Wang Ming mention it, she never thought that she had fallen out with the Wang family long ago.

Regardless of Wang Wen's current situation, Lin Xiyan was not prepared to intervene.After all, she didn't understand the situation at the time, and she was afraid of doing something wrong. Not only could she not help Wang Wen, but it also made the matter more complicated.

Just because Lin Xiyan couldn't handle this matter didn't mean Wang Ming couldn't either.Wang Wen is his older sister, and Lin Xiyan feels that Wang Ming has the right to know Wang Wen's recent situation.

But Lin Xiyan searched around the house but couldn't find Wang Ming, so she asked Gu Jiajia, "Where's Wang Ming?"

"He just went out while we were chatting, and I don't know if he left or not." Lin Xiyan didn't pay attention, but Gu Jiajia watched Wang Ming leave, otherwise she wouldn't dare to talk about it with Lin Xiyan.

Seeing that Lin Xiyan wanted to go out to find Wang Ming, Gu Jiajia quickly grabbed Lin Xiyan and asked, "Do you want to tell Wang Ming about this? I advise you not to do this. The relationship between Wang Ming and Wang Wen It's not good, if you go and tell Wang Ming, you may not be able to help, and maybe it will destroy the relationship between you and Wang Ming."

(End of this chapter)

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