Chapter 700
Du Ming's words did not make Su Meng feel at ease, she thought this man was just trying to comfort herself.

At this time, the whole person has completely fallen into a state of panic and self-blame.

When she lost Du Ming, she felt that no matter what happened, no matter what was lost, she must find this man.

But when this man came back, she felt that those resolutions she had made before should not exist.

She has some regrets.

The regret was not because she was reluctant, but because Su Meng felt that all the lost projects were too important to this man.

"I was dumbfounded at the time. There were so many of them, and they were obviously here for you. They took away the contracts and everything. Can we sign these people back?"

Su Meng leaned against the door frame and said cautiously.

Du Ming was bending over to look for something at this moment.

He has a safe that sits under the entire desk, but the safe looks shabby.The door locks are gone.

"It's all gone, I saw it on the video on my phone."

Su Meng saw that Du Ming continued to read, and then emphasized.

Du Ming stopped and turned his head, frowning at Su Meng,

"Mobile video?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I'm worried, so I installed a monitor."

Su Meng then raised her finger and pointed to the top of the desk.

There is a very short cabinet on the wall, and a camera just sits on it.

"Ah, no, it's the camera that was installed when you left.

"Su Meng seemed to realize something, and quickly explained.

Du Ming was relieved.

He continued to look through it, and it was true that the contracts had been taken away by them.

Du Ming stood up, and Su Meng hurriedly leaned over with a nervous expression, like a child who has made a mistake.

The whole person was wronged and looked like tears were about to fall.

"Du Ming, I really didn't do it on purpose, I want to call the police too, you know."


"I was wrong, I'm really useless."


"Why don't you scold me. Or I'll tell those contractors."

Duming didn't say anything more, stopped and said with a wry smile,
"I said it's all right, what they took away was a fake contract."

After Du Ming finished speaking, he walked directly under the desk, he moved the desk away, and then saw a floor tile.

He lifted the floor tiles, and there happened to be a lot of file bags inside.

Su Meng ran over excitedly, then patted Du Ming's shoulder excitedly and said,
"Yes, you! How did you think of it! How did you hide it here!"

"You're so cunning! Oh no, so clever!"

Su Meng began to chatter, and as expected, it was full of contract documents.

Du Ming smiled and raised his hand to touch Su Meng's head, saying,
"This is the first lesson I'm going to teach you. The key things must be hidden, but you have to prepare two copies, so that your opponents will mistakenly think that the other copy is real."

"I understand this, it's like those safes that used to have compartments inside, with real things inside and fake ones outside."

Su Meng said excitedly.

"But why don't you trust Zhang Lang?"

Su Meng was excited for a while, and then asked hurriedly as if thinking of something.

"Zhang Lang is a mixed society person. This kind of person has more interests. Look where he has any brothers. Most of them are younger brothers."

"During my absence, he will definitely be tempted to do something. We have to guard against that."

"I just don't know if she can pass the test!"

Having said this, Du Ming couldn't help but look up and look out the window.

Su Meng didn't speak, and it was clear who she was referring to.

But at this moment, Su Meng seemed to find that this man had matured a lot.

In particular, that deep appearance makes people have a different kind of charm.

Lihua was really hesitant, she had all new contracts in her hands, the terms in them were all set by Zhang Lang, which was super tempting.

If these contracts are actually signed, she can have a net income of more than 2000 million.

How could this keep her from moving.

But if he really did this, he would be a little too sorry for that woman Su Meng.

Lihua stood up and dropped the pen in her hand.

Although she really likes money, this project is not hers alone.

If you want to take it, you can only take one-third of it.It would be a little too inhumane to do so.

After thinking about it, she decided to find this woman.

Lihua didn't intend to call Su Meng, and decided to go directly to her home.

If there is no one, it is God's will.

This can be regarded as the last chance for her.

It was getting dark, and Du Ming was eating eggplant noodles made by Su Meng.

Fragrant and delicious.

But for Su Meng, eating is indeed not so easy, and the whole body is tense, as if worried about what will happen.

"Eat what you should eat, don't think too much. If you cooperate with anyone, you must go through the test."

They all knew what Su Meng was worried about, and then emphasized.

"I think she's a nice person, at least better than me in terms of management ability."

Su Meng couldn't help but praise, in terms of ability and courage, she is indeed not as good as Lihua, which she also admits.

But this is not what Du Ming needs most.

Both ability and courage can be cultivated and formed through future experience, but character is deeply ingrained.

"Didi." The sound of a car came from below the community.Su Meng looked out the window.

"It's Lihua's car."

"Tell me I'm not here." After Du Ming finished speaking, he packed up the dishes and walked away.

After a while, Lihua came up.

When the woman walked to the door, she still didn't knock on the door in a hurry. She stopped at the door slowly, as if she was feeling something.

Before Lihua could knock on the door, Su Meng opened it, pretending to be surprised and looking at her,
"How did you come."

"Talk to you about something." Lihua was not very interested, and walked in after a short pause.The moment she saw Su Meng, Lihua already felt something was wrong.

This woman looked downcast before, no matter how closed the news was, losing Ming would definitely make her feel uneasy.

But now it seems that the mood is very high.Seeing myself is also a lot more polite.

Lihua is not only smart, but also sensitive.

Her bean-sized eyes immediately saw the difference.

There is a man's slippers under the coffee table.

There is still a trace of a bowl on the coffee table, but the bowl is gone.

When she thought about Su Meng's expression just now, one thing she could be sure of came back.

They all understood why they were able to come back, and it was impossible for his brother's news to be inaccurate.What the hell is going on here?
Lihua didn't have time to think about anything.

She wanted to tell this woman before that she only took one-third of the plan.

Now she felt that she could be more magnanimous and sincere.

Because, she was sure that the man was next door.

(End of this chapter)

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