Devil's Concubine: Fighting Evil Monarchs

Chapter 164 Hate Has a Pursuit!

Chapter 164 Hate Has a Pursuit!
Now, only if she keeps calm can she completely dispel the extreme thoughts in Yun Qishuang's heart.

Such an important sister, how could she be so self-defeating and live like crazy?

Mu Jiuluo's white teeth bit down a deep tooth mark on her lips, and her eyes were full of calm choices.

Suddenly, as if she had made up her mind, she used the vine to pull Yun Qishuang who was about to break free from the guardian vine, and pulled her in front of her.

She pressed her eyebrows in displeasure, raised her plain white hand, and slapped Yun Qishuang hard on the face.

"Crack!" The crisp voice echoed in this silent cave, Mu Jiuluo's eyes were stern, and the hostility in her body erupted layer by layer. She looked at Yun Qishuang in disappointment, and ruthlessly taught a lesson with a bit of heat:

"Enough, Yun Qishuang! Look at what you look like now, decadent, desperate, incompetent, crazy, is this still the high-spirited Yun Qishuang from before?
You look like this, let alone me, even if your parents see it, they would like to shoot you to death. How did they give birth to such a useless daughter like you?
You've been crushed like this by a single thing, so what will you do if you're insulted by others in the future? Wouldn't you want a piece of white silk to strangle you to death?

Do you understand that people who are not cold-blooded can only rot on the hillside full of corpses, understand?

Don't you hate that Tianqing priest?Don't you blame him for ruining your life?Don't you want to kill him?Then why are you still crying here!
Let me tell you, if you are not strong now, who will you show your weakness to?Who will sympathize with you, a waste, and who will give you a bit of dignity for this waste?
If you hate, just hate to create a pursuit, there is no use in being depressed here! "

At the end of the words, Mu Jiuluo even slapped Yun Qishuang a second time in resentment, with a bit of resentment.

Suddenly feeling a burning pain, Yun Qishuang's vague consciousness suddenly became clear, and then, a tender female voice came from her ear:

"If you hate, just hate to pursue a pursuit, there is no use in being depressed here!"

Yes, if I hated him, why didn't I pursue killing him instead of giving up on myself and seeking to commit suicide here?
Why why, Yun Qishuang, since when did you become so cowardly, so useless, so contemptible?
Where are all your energetic, mischievous elements, and those who fear that the world will not be chaotic?

Yun Qishuang's eyes were wide open, she knelt on the ground, her body was weak, her eyes looked at a place absently, the tears that flowed out had already stopped, and ripples gradually appeared in her lifeless eyes.

When Mu Jiuluo saw this, joy flashed across his cold eyes.

It seems that what she said has already had an effect, "Yun Qishuang, don't think that you can escape all problems because you are so weak. Let me tell you, you can only live by what you are willing to die for."

For that, something willing to die?
Yun Qishuang thought to herself, are you willing to die?
What else could she think about now?She has lost family affection; love has long since broken her heart; now she only has hatred, boundless hatred, which can drown out all hatred!
Yes, she hated the love of heaven, hated his self-assertion, hated his ruthlessness, hated him for ruining her life, hated everything about him!
Tianqingsi, the person she Yun Qishuang hates the most in her life, she can't wait to peel his skin, peel his bones, drink his blood, and tear him to pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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