Devil's Concubine: Fighting Evil Monarchs

Chapter 195 This world belongs to them!

Chapter 195 This world belongs to them!

"Three Immortals in Yunpan", that is the nickname given to their stunning trio by people in the martial arts.

Even the four countries on Yunpan Continent readily recognized this title.

Appearance, strength, talent, background, all of them are the best choices.

But now, to them, this title is nothing more than shit.

They look down on the sophistication of the world, and they have long lost their yearning for these false names in their hearts.

At this moment, their goals in life are only the endless peak, and the ambition of revenge!
What are the "Three Immortals in Yunpan", what "innate talents", what "eldest lady", all of them are useless things.

If they want revenge, the three of them can only rely on themselves. Only when they become stronger and have their own background and influence, can they have the confidence to revenge and the arrogance to aspire to Yunpan!

Heh, whoever dares to hurt them, whoever dares to use their relatives as a threat, must be prepared to be retaliated by the three of them.

Not only the disintegration of power, the scattering of life, but also the endless torture and endless death that followed.

The soul is scattered, that is just a relatively general term, they—not only want other people to be scattered, but also to destroy everyone, even if the Jade Emperor descends to earth, there is nothing he can do!
They don't care about the "Three Immortals of Yunpan", and now, they are no longer the three fairies that people in the martial arts yearn for.

They are about to start to dominate the situation in the future and set off a storm in the continent, witches!
Regardless of whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, or the people who want to make friends with them, as long as they block their way of revenge, there will only be one end——

Both body and spirit are destroyed, and everyone has to die for them!

From now on, "Hell Witch" is the collective name for the three of them. Hell is scary, and witch is scary. The combination of the two will only be the best synonym for them!

The cross token in his hand flashed, and Mu Jiuluo's dark eyes flickered, and his internal force was injected into the token, and he sneered, "Now, it's time for us to go out, those people will sooner or later be killed because of what they have done. I feel sorry for it!"

White light soared into the sky, covering the figures of the three of them, formation runes appeared under their feet, and slowly spun, the three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the bright red carnage in each other's eyes .

With a slight sneer, three clear female voices lingered in this strange cave, but the owner of these laughters had already left the cave completely just now.

After leaving this place for more than a month, this cage has been restraining them.

"Boom!" The white light suddenly hit a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, and the powerful energy scattered wantonly.

Luo Yin stood in front of that ray of white light, but his fat body was not as wretched as before.

Behind him are thousands of members of the Naluo family.

At this moment, the white light began to dissipate slowly, and three slender figures walked out of it, floating with endless coldness, the arrogance of overlooking the world, which made everyone shudder.

Mu Jiuluo led Yun Qishuang and Qian Yiling out of the white light, as if she was the leader among the three, she looked at Luo Yin and the others indifferently.

"Luo Yin from the Luo family, together with all members of our clan, visit Miss Mu, Miss Yun, and Miss Qian. From now on, I will swear to serve Miss Mu to the death!"

With a loud roar, Luo Yin led the Luo family members to kneel down, and there was no false reverence on the expressions of everyone.

Thousands of people bowed down, thousands of people worshiped, and all white national costumes fell down. The spectacular scene is self-evident.

Looking down at these people coldly, the corner of Mu Jiuluo's mouth could not help but sneer.

Just wait, she, Mu Jiuluo, has already returned, and those who are still singing and dancing at this time are destined to pay the due price for what they have done in the future!
In this world, sooner or later, she will be Mu Jiuluo, and they will be buried by the turmoil caused by their "hell witches" overlooking the common people!
So far, the first volume is over, and the next story is Mu Jiuluo's return to revenge. Thank you for your long-term support!
The promised addition is tomorrow, and tomorrow will start a brand new segment, thank you everyone, please recommend tickets, please comment, our journey of Mu Jiuluo has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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