superhuman evolution

Chapter 458 A New Battle

Chapter 458 A New Battle
Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has entered the midsummer of July!

In the past two months, Song Anran lived a relatively busy and peaceful life!

Attended the wedding of roommate Wang Dongfeng and Gao Min, and got together with old classmates who rushed over by the way;
Accompanying Wang Shiyu, Fang Jue and Xuanxuan went to Hong Kong Island and watched Ashley's concert again;
After inspection and screening, five veterans were finally confirmed and injected with super genetic evolution liquid;
Through several missions of hunting mutant beasts, inspect the training progress of Qu Yinghong, Meng Shuiyao and others;
Under his supervision and protection, Ling Xinran, the four guardian knights, together with Meng Shuiyao and Niu Heihu, successively destroyed the North American headquarters and the European headquarters of the International Organ Private Alliance, which can be regarded as revenge for Ling Xinran's being kidnapped. !
During this period, several things that Song Anran was particularly concerned about happened one after another!

Xia Yirou, Gao Yuhan and Fang Jue have officially graduated from school and are entering the next stage of their lives!
Fang Wenxuan's wife, Zhou Xue, gave birth to a fat son weighing seven catties!
After more than a month of geological exploration, expert demonstration and design, the underground shelter that can accommodate 2 people for a long time has finally started construction!A total of more than 2000 laborers work together on the island, including a construction team of more than 200 people belonging to Song Anran!
In Song Anran's hands, there is also a list of all kinds of talents needed by the shelter!

On the list, all kinds of experts, doctors, nurses, teachers, electricians, fitters, breeding experts, farmers, breeders and other talents and occupations are all available!
According to the agreement of several companies, Song Anran needs to determine the number of refuge places for 3000 people in total!

These candidates must not be screened when disaster is imminent!
What the Fang family and the Fei family mean is to start a secret investigation and get in touch with them now, so that the candidates selected in this way can meet the requirements in terms of professionalism and character, and avoid future management chaos!

The Fang family and the Fei family employ tens of thousands of employees, plus the relatives of these people, there are more than hundreds of thousands. It is relatively simple for them to screen suitable personnel who meet the requirements!
Song Anran naturally knew that these 3000 people were his direct descendants in the shelter!
For this reason, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and conducted an in-depth understanding of his own industry, as well as the managers and employees of the industry!
There are more than a hundred documents on his desk or e-mail every day waiting for him to look through, and it takes a lot of effort just to read each document carefully, let alone make a decision.

In the past few days like this, Song Anran felt extremely dizzy, and also noticed that the effect was not very good.

After all, it is 20 years, and there are too many variables in the middle. Can these people persist in working in his company for such a long time?

After comprehensive consideration, he discussed with Zhu Heze again and made a decision!
In the name of Zhu Heze, build a residential area and a modern farm in the outer suburbs of Linquan, including hospitals, schools, various service and maintenance agencies, and it is a small but complete society!

As the owner, Song Anran can confirm whether they are worthy of attention and whether they are finally selected through the inspection of employees, residents and merchants!
This is a long-term project, and there is no rush. After the plan is determined, let Zhu Heze start to implement it!

After this matter is confirmed, Song Anran's concern can be regarded as resolved!
Not long after the peaceful days, Song Anran ushered in two special guests at Chaoyang Residence, Matt Dominit, director of the United Nations Special Operations Agency, and Lydia!

They also brought Song Anran a wartime conscription order!

Song Anran glanced at the call-up order, which appointed him as the captain of the Sixth Commando, and looked at the two with some puzzlement!
Matt said solemnly: "The war is about to start. Several major powers have decided to destroy the bases of the two major forces of XY in Africa at all costs!"

"Our Operations Department has also formed a unit, the Sixth Commando! Because of your previous strong record, you are specially appointed as the captain of the commando, and you are fully responsible for the wartime command of the unit!"

Song Anran couldn't help but frowned, the news was too sudden!

Lydia said sincerely: "Mr. Song, your recruitment and appointment were specially named by several major countries! This is also an opportunity to prove the strength of the Special Operations Agency. No one is more suitable for this position than you!"

Matt added: "It is indeed a special name call, because your current relationship is under the Special Operations Agency, so this call-up order is issued by us!"

Specially named?

Song Anran remembered the saying "people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong", and couldn't help but glared at Matt!
Matt smiled awkwardly, and then said in a deep voice, "Tell me the truth, Mr. Song, even without us, you wouldn't have gotten out of this war!"

"Several major powers have already made the final decision. They have issued conscription orders to the awakened free power users in the country, ordering them to enlist in the army. If those who refuse to be conscripted..."

Matt just gave Song Anran a look, but didn't say anything!
Song Anran was surprised. He understood the meaning of Matt's fierce eyes, and confirmed, "What do the big countries mean?"

Lydia sighed and said, "Mr. Song, it's like an old proverb of yours: People who are not of my race must have different hearts! Because of our incredible ability, those above have strong worries and vigilance!"

"I guess their thinking now is that if they can't be used by me, they are potential enemies! As for enemies, it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible!"

Song Anran's heart sank, and he said slowly: "That is to say, this war is not only to destroy the bases of the two major forces, but also to weaken the strength of our supernatural beings as much as possible, killing two birds with one stone?"

"Aren't they afraid that we are all dead or forced to turn against each other, and no one stopped the two major forces of XY, but instead helped them?"

Matt smiled wryly, and said, "They're really not that scared! They have a group of supernatural beings who have taken refuge in the past, and they are still making super soldiers!"

"The genetic evolution liquid is really cracked?" Song Anran had some guesses, but still couldn't believe it!

Lydia said annoyed and angrily: "It's really cracked and manufactured!"

"In order to crack the genetic evolution fluid, our Operations Agency has made great sacrifices and contributions! Now, all the trophies and scientific research results have been taken away by them, and they are thinking about dealing with us instead!"

Matt looked at Song Anran with piercing eyes, and said: "Mr. Song, during this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of countries issuing conscription orders for free supernatural beings to be forced into the army, our Operations Department has also recruited a group of people who are unwilling to submit. stranger!"

"We hope that you can lead them through this war of fire and blood, and train them to become a core force to defend the interests of the supernatural beings!"

Song Anran stared at Matt fiercely!

Matt's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "If others don't target us, this force is a powerful weapon against the two major forces of XY! If others have different intentions, we can't just catch them!"

"Master Song, we also know something about your previous experience. I appreciate your response at that time!"

Matt sonorously said: "If what we are worried about happens, the only way to survive is to stand up and resist!"

(End of this chapter)

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