superhuman evolution

Chapter 466 The First Engagement

Chapter 466 The First Battle

Song Anran and the others jumped off the helicopter, ran for several kilometers, and plunged into the depths of the dense forest.

The forest here is very different from the mountain forest in Myanmar!

The towering giant trees are tens of meters, or even more than a hundred meters high. The canopy is extremely dense, with vines growing on the trees, and shrubs, thorns and long grass under the trees.

Between the branches and leaves of the vegetation, there are countless creatures faintly moving.

Song Anran's heart sank. In such a vibrant forest, he found that his perception was severely suppressed. In the mountains of Myanmar, his perception range was 60 meters, but here, the situation 30 meters away is blurred. very!

There are too many data to be processed from the five senses, and the brain can't handle it!
This is the result of the further development of his brain and the promotion of various perception abilities to the limit!

But in a complex terrain like a forest, the sensing range of around 30 meters is enough. The trees cover each other, and it is basically difficult to find a shooting route up to 30 meters.

Song Anran and his party also experienced the danger of the forest!

Not long after they went deep into the forest, they were attacked by a dozen small snakes as thin as chopsticks!
These little snakes can be said to be "quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit", born almost exactly the same as the surrounding environment, but moving like lightning, even Song Anran only became aware of their existence at the moment it launched an attack.

Everyone was attacked, and the reactions of others were not as sensitive as Song Anran!

Allen escaped easily, Catherine and Leo escaped in a rather embarrassing situation, but Wang Yangfeng and Qu Yinghong were not so lucky. They were bitten and fell to the ground immediately!
Song Anran immediately detoxified them, so they survived!
In order to make anti-snake venom serum, Song Anran had to allow himself to be bitten by this little snake!
Leather armor that can resist bullet attacks, but it can't resist the sharp teeth of small snakes!
After being bitten, Song Anran felt numbness spread rapidly from the wound, and the flowing blood began to coagulate in a large area.

Fortunately, Lily is almost omnipotent, and is the nemesis of all poisons. A large amount of snake venom is excreted from the body, and only a small amount of snake venom remains in the body for Lily to analyze its attack mechanism.

What makes Song Anran awe-inspiring is that this little snake's body is extremely tough!
The first time I took it for granted, I didn't crush it to death. It took more effort later to crush the snake's head.

While injecting anti-venom serum into several people, he warned: "If you have antibodies, you will be bitten by this poisonous snake in the future, and you will be fine! But be careful, there may be other poisonous snakes!"

He said to Alan with some worry: "The strength of the genetically mutated monsters of Company X has improved rapidly. This kind of poisonous snake is much more powerful than the little green snake on Qiming Island!"

Allen nodded and said: "Company X has several departments competing with each other, each researching beasts of different mutation directions, and then letting beasts of roughly the same kind fight each other, the winners are retained, and the losers are eliminated!"

"At that time, Qiming Island was used by us as a temporary test base for mutant genetic beasts to survive in the wild!"

After a few people repaired, they continued to move forward, but this time the speed was not as fast as before, and everyone looked more cautious!

Not long after walking, Song Anran suddenly heard the sound of a branch breaking, intermittently coming from a distance!
Under his instruction, several people restrained their movements and quietly moved towards the direction of the sound!

When they were 30 meters away from the sound source, they no longer approached each other, and each found a place suitable for lurking and covering, and ambush!
After a while, a figure entered their field of vision!
This is a ten-man cavalry squad, wearing light green combat uniforms, but their mounts are very unique, calf-sized spiders, covered in gray-black armor, they are three points similar to crabs at first glance!
I have to say that this mount is really suitable in an environment like a dense forest. No matter what kind of obstacles, a few jointed limbs swipe and pull, and it will pass!

Song Anran's single-shot long gun aimed at the target, and when he was about to shoot, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from above his head!

A thick and long black spider leg, with its unparalleled sharp front end, is poking towards Song Anran's body!

Song Anran exerted force with his feet, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and he slammed Leo away, causing the other limb like a sharp blade to poke through the air.

He has already noticed that above their heads, there is a spider as huge as a truck!
While knocking Leo away, Song Anran thought of a countermeasure!
When he stepped on a giant tree beside him, he shot more than ten meters like a cannonball, crashed into another giant tree, bounced again, and then returned to this giant tree!
The two giant trees that Song Anran chose were hugged by about four or five people, and their texture was so strong and tough that it would take an hour or two to cut down one tree with a chainsaw.

But it is such a big tree, after being stepped on by Song Anran, the tree body trembled non-stop, humming and screaming incessantly!

The giant spider that was between the two giant trees was also shaken non-stop by the trembling tree trunk, and the jabbing limbs suddenly lost their aim!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Alan, Qu Yinghong and others jumped up from their hiding places to escape from this dangerous place!

At the same time, the spears in their hands continuously spewed out flames, shooting at the targeted enemy!

Song Anran was stepping back and forth between the two giant trees, and his figure rose rapidly!
He took off the long bone knife behind his back, exerted strength with his right arm, exhaled loudly, and slashed with the long knife, slashing fiercely on a spider leg in front of him!

With a pop sound, the black steel pillar-like spider legs were cut off with a single knife, and green viscous liquid was sprinkled all over the sky.

The result turned out to be unexpectedly easy, which surprised and delighted Song Anran!
He bounced back and forth between several giant trees, swung the long bone knife one after another, hacked back and forth, and quickly cut off the four jointed limbs of the giant spider.

The giant spider, which had lost most of its joint limbs, could no longer support its body. Its huge body swayed violently, roaring and falling headlong to the ground!
The giant spider slumped to the ground was paddling crazily with the remaining two or three limbs, but it couldn't get up again.

Song Anran jumped down from the tree trunk, smashed on the spider's body, and then stabbed the long bone knife deeply into its ugly big head!

The arthropods that were still frantically paddling suddenly stopped moving, and stopped in the air strangely. The dust splashed in all directions and the broken stems of grass blades flying all over the sky slowly fell back.

Song Anran pulled out the long bone knife and turned to look at another battlefield!
From the moment he avoided the attack of the giant spider to the time when he killed the giant spider, that is, in the past tens of seconds, the battle between Catherine, Leo and the cavalry squad has just begun!
Qu Yinghong has already climbed up the big tree, jumping flexibly among the canopies, relying on her excellent night vision ability, condescendingly looking for the enemy's traces, every shot can make an enemy fall!

As for Lei Ao and Wang Yangfeng, they covered alternately, drawing the opponent's firepower head-on.

At this time, gunshots rang out from the rear and left of the cavalry squad, which meant that Allen and Catherine, who were outflanking, were in place!
Song Anran did not intervene and observed from the sidelines until the ten-man cavalry squad and their mounts were all wiped out under the siege of Alan, Catherine and other five people!
He couldn't help frowning a little!

This cavalry squad has no outstanding abilities, but only three or four super soldiers who have evolved once, leading ordinary soldiers!
But with such strength, even in the face of being surrounded and wiped out, they are quite experienced in handling the battle situation, and they fight very resolutely. If it is not for Allen's assistance, they can even break through and escape one or two people, which shows that they are all elites. the elite.

Song Anran has a feeling that this battle is very difficult to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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