superhuman evolution

Chapter 483 Saturation Attack

Chapter 483 Saturation Attack
PS. Sorry, wrong post, apology!Was busy moving yesterday and made a mistake!

The mutated ferocious beasts have lost the control of humans. Although they are still fierce, they are much easier to deal with if they fight on their own!

Ai Lun and Lei Ao opened the way, and quickly cut a bloody road, seeing Song Anran approaching him!

Song Anran's running speed did not decrease, no matter how big the beast was, after receiving his seemingly random palm or kick, it fell to the ground directly, and even the process of struggling to die was avoided!


Allen shouted in surprise!
Song Anran smiled slightly at him, as well as Lei Ao, Catherine, Wang Yangfeng, and Qu Yinghong behind him, threw the sniper rifle in his hand to Catherine, and shouted: "Let's go out first and find a safe place!"

Right now, Song Anran doesn't want to expose her own strength, and really wants to experience the feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating an elephant!
Now it's Song Anran leading the way, and the efficiency is naturally quite astonishing. Allen and others follow behind, and they are only responsible for running!
After rushing out of the encirclement of the alien beasts, and walking another 10 to [-] kilometers, Song Anran saw that several people in the team were gritting their teeth to hold on, so they stopped, and naturally ordered: "Take a rest on the spot for two [-] Minutes, replenish water and energy!"

"There is no more supplies!" Catherine looked at "Luke" pitifully!
Song Anran threw the box of energy liquid seized from Shadow to her, and said, "Divide it, I'll be on guard!"

He walked to the back of the team, and Alan followed naturally!

After confirming that Qu Yinghong, Lei Ao and others could neither see them nor hear their voices, they stopped!

"Why are you bald too?" Looking at Alan's bald head, Song Anran couldn't help but laugh!

Allen glared at him, and said angrily, "It's not your fault! I figured it out right after you left, you're bald, and when you come back, you're back to yourself, and you're also bald!"

"No way, I had to wipe off the newly dyed hair at that time!"

Song Anran held his smile and asked another question that he was very concerned about: "Have they discovered your disguise?"

Allen stroked his bald head, thinking about it and said, "They should all have noticed it, but they were very smart and didn't point it out!"

He patted himself on the head again, and said: "Those people were sent by the coalition army to look for you. They said that some general in the army was poisoned by a snake and needed you to go back and rescue them! It's just that they just found us today, and they were killed by the enemy. It's entangled!"

"If you didn't come back just in time, I guess I would have finished playing with them!"

"For the past three days, I have led them..."

Allen narrated the experience after separation, while undressing and exchanging with Song Anran!
Ten minutes later, the two appeared in front of Catherine and the others again!

Song Anran, who had recovered her original appearance, first healed everyone, and explained for her previous inaction: "Before, I didn't have much energy left in my body, so it was inconvenient to heal your injuries, and I would like to thank Luke for the energy liquid captured!"

Those supernatural beings in the army also understood this situation and did not have any doubts!
Seeing that everyone has recovered some strength and their injuries have healed, Song Anran continued: "Now that our supplies are exhausted and there is a call from the base, let's set off now and go back!"

Everyone propped up their bodies, followed Song Anran, and quickly moved towards the base!
Catherine took two steps, came to Song Anran with a sniper rifle in her arms, and asked in a low voice: "Master, you said this gun, do you want to return it to that...that Luke?"

Seeing her holding the gun so hard with both hands, Song Anran knew that she really fell in love with this gun, and said with a smile: "Luke knows that you are good at spear skills, this gun should be specially given to you. You don’t need to pay it back! Here, I’ll give you this too.”

The bullets captured by Song Anran were also given to her!

"Thank you master!" Catherine smiled, took the bullet, and took two steps back!

More than a dozen people ran silently, and after more than half an hour, everyone felt that it was unusual. They stopped involuntarily and looked up. Why is the sky getting brighter and brighter?

Everyone ran to the big tree beside them and climbed up!

Song Anran was the first to set foot on the canopy of the tree, looking towards the east, his eyes widened immediately!

In the eastern night sky, a meteor shower covering the sky appeared. Tens of thousands of meteors covered the entire starry sky, and with long comet tails, they approached here quickly!
This landscape is so magnificent that one can't help but feel an upsurge of emotion!
"MY GOD! This is a rocket! This is a long-range rocket! MY GOD!" In the canopy of a nearby tree, a superhuman named Bunier suddenly shouted hysterically!

"MY GOD! How come there are so many!"

"what should we do?"

Uneasy shouts sounded from all around Song Anran!
Everyone understood that the coalition forces spared no expense to replace missiles with relatively low-cost far-super rockets to carry out high-intensity and high-saturation attacks!
After this round of attacks, not to mention the city of Ulua, the jungle they are in will definitely be barren!

Song Anran was also a little dumbfounded!

The power of this country is simply shocking, beyond what he can imagine!

How insignificant and vulnerable an individual's strength is in front of the huge machine of the country! !

Just at this moment, hundreds of dazzling red lines suddenly appeared in the distant jungle, piercing into the night sky!

Immediately, hundreds of huge fireworks exploded in the night sky, and the dark night became as bright as day!
However, there are too many long-range rockets. After intercepting the red line piercing the night sky for more than a dozen rounds, the sound of the rumbling rockets flying reached everyone's ears!

"Master, what should we do?" Catherine who was standing aside asked softly!
In her eyes, Song Anran did not see the fear of death, but only saw trust and peace of mind!

He turned his gaze to Lei Ao, Wang Yangfeng, Qu Yinghong and the others, and found that there was no fear or panic on their faces staring at him!

Song Anran understands that this is trust!

He took a deep breath, his voice was like thunder, and he roared: "Although there are many rockets, the main target is Uluwa City. We are just passing them here. On average, we can spread up to three or four rockets here. Even if it's invincible!"

"Everyone's eyes widened for me. When they saw the rocket bombs falling on us, they just blew it up! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" "Yes!"

Ten responses sounded one after another, and each of them responded with a loud voice!
After Song Anran's analysis, everyone felt that although the coalition attack was massive, it was relatively easy for them to escape their lives!

After all, using a sniper rifle to intercept flying shells and missiles is not an uncommon thing for a person with excellent spear skills!

Catherine suddenly felt a lot heavier!

There is no doubt that she is the one with the best spear skills among them!
She set up a sniper rifle and aimed at the night sky, a feeling of controlling the world, my life is up to me...

Countless rockets flew over their heads, and some rockets fell headlong to the ground!

If you look at it from a high altitude, you will see an explosion belt surrounding Uluwa City, which is rapidly approaching the center!

Along with the tens of meters to hundreds of meters of flames and thick smoke rising from the explosion zone, like a giant beast that devoured the sky, it shattered all the buildings, giant trees, and panicked beasts along the way into powder and turned them into dust. It took off a part of its body and crushed it towards the city of Uluwa!

The fly in the ointment is that behind the giant swallowing beast, there is a huge body made up of a sea of ​​flames, and there is a small blemish. This is a safety island composed of nearly a hundred trees!

Catherine, Leo and others looked at the raging fire all around, and there were no rockets in the night sky. They waved their hands excitedly and shouted non-stop!

Suddenly, their faces were flushed, and they fell from the tree crown!
(End of this chapter)

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