superhuman evolution

Chapter 501 Straightforward

Chapter 501 Straightforward
Maybe it was under the covert care of Company Y, or maybe the two disastrous defeats of the U.S. Army frightened the other monkeys away. Song Anran and his party passed through the radiation circle of Singer City without any danger, and escaped from the monitoring range of the coalition base in Li!
At this time, the sun is already high, and they have been running for several hours. Everyone is exhausted!
It was less than a hundred kilometers away from the city of Kaban. Although the target was in sight, Song Anran did not ask for a hasty march. Instead, he found a small forest to recover his strength and supplement his consumption!
It tasted like wax, and after stuffing two energy cubes into her mouth, Lydia came to sit beside Song Anran on the ground!

She stared into Song Anran's eyes, and said very seriously: "Although we have been slandered as traitors and traitors by the coalition forces, we will definitely not become traitors, accomplices and lackeys of the two major forces in order to survive!"

Song Anran understood that his cooperation with Qianyinglan made Lydia and the others suspicious!

He thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better to clarify this issue earlier, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future!

He stood up and said loudly: "The rise of the two major forces X and Y must be well known to you. This world will never be able to restore peace!"

"Perhaps, there is a piece of news that you don't know yet!"

"There is a 20-year agreement between the two forces of X and Y. Within 20 years, they will fight with all their strength, and the winning side will dominate the future evolution of the earth!"

"And after that great war, the number of ordinary humans on earth who can survive in the end! If you are lucky, there will be one percent, and if you are less lucky, it will be one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth!"

Everyone here, this is the first time they heard about this, they all showed expressions of astonishment and panic!
Song Anran waited for their emotions to calm down a little, and continued: "You may want to know why, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than resources!"

"As supernatural beings, our daily energy consumption is several times, even dozens of times, that of ordinary people. The same is true for transformed people! But the carrying capacity of the earth has a limit. This is another sense. Species Competition for survival!"

"The three parties in the competition are the supernatural beings, the reformers, and ordinary people!"

"Although there are many ordinary people, they are undoubtedly the weakest party!"

"I can also tell you that the reason why X and Y established two bases in Africa to conduct a ground war with the coalition forces is only for the purpose of experimenting, testing weapons, training personnel, and accumulating experience for the decisive war in the future! "

Bunier stood up and shouted excitedly: "Mr. Song, several big countries now have the ability to destroy the earth. Aren't the two major powers X and Y worried that the earth will be destroyed?"

Song Anran paused for a moment, signaling him to calm down first!
Waiting for Bunier to sit on the ground again, he continued: "I have also thought about this question, why are these two major forces not afraid of the destruction of the earth!"

He glanced at everyone who was staring at him, and said in a deep voice, "I thought of a possible answer!"

"These two forces are pursuing the evolution of human beings, but in different directions!"

"And we all know that the crueler the environment, the faster the species evolves, and the stronger the evolved ability!"

"Perhaps, the cruel living environment after the destruction of most species on the earth, such as nuclear explosions, is what they want, an ideal living test environment!"


"how come?"

"How is this possible!"

Lydia, Roxanne, Allen and the others uttered surprise, but after the shock, they fell into a strange silence!
They are not stupid, but very smart, this possibility does exist!

Allen suddenly opened his mouth and said: "X Company has a mutation test, which is to irradiate fertilized eggs with high-intensity nuclear radiation! I can tell you that fertilized eggs have survived the nuclear radiation and survived smoothly!"

"As long as Company X successfully extracts the anti-radiation gene, after several generations of genetic evolution, it will be able to breed supernatural beings who are not afraid of any radiation, or new species!"

Julius, who was following Lydia, shouted: "Then...then...we will unite with the governments of all countries and do our best to wipe out these two major forces first!"

Song Anran shook his head, and said solemnly: "But we don't even know where the main bases of the two major forces are. How can we eliminate them? What's more likely is that we no longer have the ability to eliminate them!"

"To tell you the truth, not only do I have some connections with Company Y, but I also have some connections with Company X! I can tell you with certainty that Company X has an alien civilization in its hands!"

"I just don't know whether they obtained the civilization inheritance of aliens, or found the remains of an alien spaceship, and carried out technical analysis and development by themselves!"

"However, there is no doubt that their technological level surpasses that of the major countries by several generations! Company Y should also have this kind of alien technology in their hands!"

In order to win the trust of these people, Song Anran told all the inside information he knew!
Lydia nodded and said in agreement: "I have worked with the director and top scientists from several big countries to conduct detailed research on the items seized from the two forces and the modified human body!"

"They agreed that this should not be a self-developed and orderly inheritance of technology on the earth. The technology possessed by the two forces is several generations ahead of us!"

She said solemnly: "So, what Song Anran said should be true!"

Otis was startled and shouted loudly: "Is it possible that there are aliens controlling Company X and Company Y behind the scenes, and they manipulated these two forces to transform the earth's environment, with the ultimate goal of transforming the earth into a Is it suitable for the environment they live in?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!" Song Anran agreed!
Wei Wei still knows very little about the Namier people. To unblock more knowledge, she needs more stimulation. Song Anran has been waiting for news from Ashley!
Song Anran began to explain her thoughts!

"Currently, countries don't trust us and use us as cannon fodder! And the two major forces, X and Y, regard the lives of ordinary people as worthless and lack respect for life!"

"My ability is limited, and I don't have the strength to turn things around, and I'm also relatively selfish!"

"Currently, an underground nuclear bunker that can accommodate 2 people for a long time is being built on Hollier Island!"

"My goal is to ensure that the construction of this underground nuclear bunker can proceed smoothly! Before the war of destruction comes, let the people around me, let those people I care about go into the bunker, and make sure they can survive!"

"In order to achieve this goal smoothly, I will cooperate and even exchange benefits with other countries and the two major forces of XY!"

"This is my true opinion, if you don't agree, please feel free!"

This is indeed Song Anran's true thoughts!

Save hundreds of millions of people from suffering?Or even save the planet from the crisis of destruction?It's not that Song Anran hasn't fantasized about it, but he clearly knows that he can't do it!

Weiwei clearly told him that even if his body evolves to the limit, it is impossible to resist the attack of the nuclear bomb!
This is not cultivating immortals. After cultivating to the stage of great power, he can destroy every planet with every gesture. No matter how Song Anran evolves, he is still a body of flesh and blood!
 Thanks to book friend Lin Ge for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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