superhuman evolution

Chapter 503 Strange Facts

Chapter 503 Strange Facts

Song Anran looked at this so-called little master!
This guy is about 20 years old, a face is slightly pale, looks slender and delicate!

He also has long golden hair, a high nose bridge, and a pair of sapphire-like eyes. He is a rare western handsome man.

It's just that this guy's clothes are quite strange!
He was only wearing a white robe, but the robe was rusted with gold trim, the sleeves and neckline also had wavy lace, and he also wore a golden leaf-shaped headband similar to a crown.

This person is young, but powerful and powerful, walking with a faint awe-inspiring aura, it seems that he has received extremely strict training in etiquette since he was a child!
However, Song Anran didn't like his eyes very much!

This kind of look is not arrogant or disdainful, but the kind of look that is directly ignored, just like an elephant looking at an ant. The reason why he looks at the ant is because the ant just happened to crawl right in front of his eyes.

The blond-haired young man saw Lily covered in blood, frowned, and said displeasedly: "You can't even catch a woman, and you're hurt, what do you want!"

The body of the black man bowed even more fiercely, and he dared not have any rebuttal or disrespect!

Song Anran felt weird!

The strength of this black man is comparable to that of a person who has evolved five or six times, but he was scolded like a servant. The spectrum of this blond young man is too big. Could it be that his status is extremely noble?
The blond-haired young man glanced around, with a little smile on his face, and said, "Go and guard the outside, don't let them run away. After my strength has improved again, I haven't exercised properly!"

"These people, just be my prey this time!"

The black man was horrified, and hastily persuaded him: "Little master, your status is respected, and you are highly expected by the deputy speaker. You are destined to be a person of gods in the future! Although these people have no ability, they are all desperadoes!"

"Even though you are not afraid, but being attacked by them and hurting a little bit, it is our great sin!"

The blond young man raised his feet and walked towards Song Anran and the others, and said proudly: "They alone can still hurt me?"

The black man and the guards all looked anxious, but they didn't dare to stop them, so they had to keep persuading: "Little master, for them, this is a life-and-death fight. To survive, there is no way to stop them." You can't take any chances at all!"

The blond young man's face darkened, and he said coldly: "If I don't go through this, how can I really grow up! Get out of the way!"

After all, his figure flashed, he had bypassed them, and headed towards Song Anran at full speed.

Song Anran was like watching a farce!
He roughly deduced from the previous conversation that the blond young man should have coveted Lily's beauty, but seeing that Lily refused, he ordered the black man to capture him!

Since this guy is the chief culprit for Lily's injury, no matter how deep his background is and how powerful he is, Song Anran has no intention of letting him go!
Song Anran's figure moved, and the next moment he was in front of the blond young man, and then there was a thunder in the air, and the long bone knife had already slashed at him!
The blond young man was terrified. Unlike the previous competitions, this time, he really felt the threat of life and death!

In his eyes, the whole world seems to have disappeared, only a knife hanging high, showing its sharpness!
In front of this soul-stirring blade, the blond youth felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!
With little experience, he was directly intimidated by Song Anran's aura and lost his fighting spirit!
At this moment of life and death, I saw him screaming, crossed his arms and raised his arms, covering his eyes, as if if he couldn't see, this knife would not cut down!
Song Anran did not soften his heart, he slashed down with the saber without slowing down!

Seeing that the blond-haired young man was about to be cut in two, a slender hand suddenly reached out from the side, stretched out a finger, and directly poked the knife!

Song Anran felt a strong force coming from the blade, and the tiger's mouth numb, and he almost couldn't hold the long bone knife!

Under the impact of this force, the long bone knife deflected and slashed down diagonally against the shoulder of the blond youth!

One miss, Song Anran did not continue to attack!

He retracted the knife and retreated a few meters, looking warily at the woman who suddenly appeared on the side of the blond youth!

Seeing this extremely mysterious woman again, Song Anran was very helpless, and couldn't bear the heart of resistance, he couldn't beat it!

As soon as the mysterious woman waved her hand, the frightened half-dead black man and others immediately rushed over, picked up the frightened blond young man, and quickly moved away from here!

The mysterious woman smiled faintly and said, "I'm Feila, Song Anran, we meet again!"

Although Song Anran couldn't get into a fit, his face was also very ugly, and he asked coldly, "Who is this guy, and what does he have to do with you?"

Fira showed a look of helplessness on her face, and with a wave of her hand, a light curtain of distorted light wrapped herself and Song Anran inside, isolating any prying eyes of outsiders!
"Song Anran, do you know the Greek gods?"

Song Anran was startled, she didn't expect that she would ask this question, and said suspiciously: "Of course I know, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Prometheus, Hera, Hestia, Apo Luo, Ares, etc., I have seen many Hollywood movies about them!"

"Your Excellency Fira, you are so secretive, you don't want to talk about Greek mythology with me, do you?"

Phila smiled slightly and said: "Some of these ancient Greek gods are infinitely powerful, some can control water, some can control fire, some can control lightning, some can fly, and some gods, such as beauty Dusha, you look weird, what does this remind you of?"

"What do you think of..."

Song Anran's heart suddenly moved, and he said in surprise: "Could it be that they are also supernatural beings or reformers!"

Fila nodded and said, "These so-called Greek gods are not fictional, they really exist! Since you already know that we have some alien technology, let me tell you more." !"

"Thousands of years ago, there were indeed aliens living on the earth!"

"These so-called Greek gods, Thor Odin and other legendary mythological figures, most of them are the masterpieces of these aliens!"

"But with the passage of time, the aliens have disappeared, and most of these gods have died, but the remains left by the aliens still exist!"

"As we evolved, we humans on Earth became more and more intelligent. We gradually analyzed the technological civilization left by these aliens, and formed what you call the two major forces of X and Y!"

Although Feila's words were brief, the impact on Song Anran was not small, and it kept his head in a fog!

After calming down for a while, he slowly recalled the few words Fira said!

Suddenly, Song Anran looked up at Fira, and asked in disbelief: "If I remember correctly, what you said just now was 'most of these gods also died', if I understand well..."

Fira didn't let Song Anran guess, and nodded directly: "There are indeed several mythological characters who are still alive until now. They have formed a council and have been controlling us behind the scenes!"

"And the young man who almost died by your knife is one of the ancient god's children!"

"How is this possible? Then they are at least hundreds or thousands of years old! How could they live so long?" Song Anran felt like he was dreaming, this thing is so incredible, so mysterious!

"No matter how bizarre it is, this is the truth!" Fira confirmed word by word!
(End of this chapter)

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