Green plum

Chapter 19 Little Rain's Secret

Chapter 19 Little Rain's Secret

Xiao Yu successfully finished filming one scene after another, and then came to the crucial scene, which is to confess to the heroine and then kiss, Xiao Yu has never filmed intimate scenes with actresses before, so he is a little nervous now, the director Feeling Xiaoyu's nervousness, Li Wei said to Xiaoyu, "Don't be nervous, just relax, okay, it's about to start, all departments are ready, one, two, three, let's go."

After Li Wei finished yelling, Xiao Yu took a deep breath and kissed the heroine after confessing his love to the heroine. Fortunately, Xiao Yu succeeded once, and Li Wei called out, ending the scene.

'Huh—it turned out to be so easy, it made me nervous for nothing. After Xiao Yu finished filming this scene, he was relieved in his heart.

"Hey, Junkai, it seems that you passed it so easily, isn't it the first time you shoot?" Zhao Bin, Xiao Yu's assistant, said to Xiao Yu.

"Oh, I was a little nervous at the beginning, but it turned out to be so easy after the shoot." Xiao Yu explained.

"It's over the first time, not bad~" Zhao Bin patted Xiao Yu's shoulder and said, then he touched his chin and said, "Could it be that you have experienced it?"

"Wow, there's no way, maybe this time it's just me performing supernormally haha." Xiaoyu explained nervously.

"Oh, is that so? It's like an exam, and there will be times when you perform supernormally. It's so strange." After hearing Xiao Yu's explanation, Zhao Bin felt a little puzzled.

"It's quite strange, but it'll be fine after that." Xiao Yu hurriedly changed the subject.

"That's right, well, then you should take a rest first and get ready for the next scene." Zhao Bin told Xiao Yu.

"Yes." Xiaoyu agreed.

'Phew, I almost revealed my secrets. Maybe it's because I've been in a relationship with Ling, so I'm so proficient. If you find out that I'm in love, the sky will collapse. Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then he went on to prepare for the next scene to be filmed.

At this point in filming, more than half of the show has been filmed, and there is still a small part that has not been filmed. Xiao Yu and the rest of the crew are busy filming the rest of the film, and there is no time to take a break.

'Hey, when will it be over? I really want to meet Ling. I don't know how Ling is doing. Are you thinking about me? 'During the break, Xiao Yu drank his saliva and said silently in his heart.

"Xiao Yu, how is the filming going?" At this time, I sent a WeChat message to Xiao Yu.

Xiaoyu saw that I had sent a WeChat message, secretly happy that he and I have a good heart, smiled, and replied to my WeChat message even if he was a little tired, "It's almost over, I'm a little tired, I want to go home, I want to see you, Ling, how are you doing? "

"I'm fine, Xiao Yu, please do your best and persevere!" I replied to Xiao Yu.

"Well, okay, I will stick to it!" Xiao Yu replied.

"Jun Kai, who are you chatting with? You are smiling so happily." Zhao Bin saw Xiao Yu laughing happily while playing with his mobile phone by himself, so he approached Xiao Yu to ask a question.

Seeing Zhao Bin approaching, Xiao Yu hurriedly turned off the phone and said, "Oh, no, I'm just chatting with a friend."

"Recently, I always see you smiling happily at your phone by yourself. Have you made any new friends?" Zhao Bin asked.

"Oh, no, we're all old friends, and we haven't made any new friends." Xiao Yu explained.

"Oh, do old friends still talk so much?" Zhao Bin asked puzzled.

"It may be because we haven't seen each other for a long time, so we talked a lot." Xiao Yu explained.

"Oh, is that so? If you make any new friends, you must tell me. I'll see if that person is worth making, so as to avoid what happens." Zhao Bin said to Xiao Yu (Zhao Bin is Xiao Yu's assistant, and he wants to Responsible for Xiaoyu's personal safety, so he is more cautious, no wonder Zhao Bin is too strict. There is no way, there are many popular people.).

"Well, okay, Brother Zhao." Xiaoyu agreed.In fact, I made a girlfriend, but I can't tell you right now, Brother Zhao, I'm sorry, I will find an opportunity to confess to you when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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