Green plum

Chapter 2 Xiao Yu's Dream

Chapter 2 Xiao Yu's Dream

"Xiao Ling! I was scouted by an artist company, and I can become a star. This is my dream!" A certain person ran over and told me about it as soon as I got home, which shocked me.

"Hey, you scared me, what did you say, you said you were scouted by an artist company? Could it be fake?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's true, today the artist company came to the school to select candidates. At first I went to the toilet, but I was not selected. Then when I came back from the toilet, the people from the company saw me and said 'it's you'." Xiaoyu explained.

"Oh, like this, did you tell your parents?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't had time to tell, they are not at home." Xiaoyu replied.

"Then go home and tell your parents. Discuss with them." I urged.

"Well, okay, then I'll go home first, bye." Xiao Yu waved away.

After that, Xiao Yu successfully entered the T family (Xiao Yu's company).Xiaoyu goes to class every week, and occasionally I go to see him. Sometimes I feel distressed when I see him working hard, but thinking about it from another angle, how can there be gains if you don’t pay?So, I cheered up Xiao Yu in my heart, when Xiao Yu saw me, she seemed to understand my heart and smiled.I smiled at him too.

"How is it, is it hard?" I handed Xiaoyu a bottle of water and asked.

"Well, it's a little bit, but I don't think it's too hard when you are with me." Xiao Yu said as he took the water.

"Oh, really?" At this moment, I felt that Xiao Yu looked at me a little differently, but I just took it as an illusion.How could it be, it was impossible, how could Xiao Yu like someone older than him.Obviously he cares about age.Me too.impossible.

After that, as usual, I went to see Xiaoyu every week when I had time, and brought some drinks to replenish energy for Xiaoyu. Let's ride home together. "Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you, are you feeling well?" One day, I went to see Xiao Yu, just after class, Xiao Yu suddenly passed out, so I accompanied him to the hospital.

"Oh, it's just hypoglycemia. Just take some glucose. Also, you need to have regular meals, or you'll pass out again," the nurse said.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, didn't you eat on time? How can you do this? Pay attention to your body. Your body is the capital of the revolution, you know? You just passed out and scared me to death. I thought something was wrong!" I heard When the nurse said this, a series of accusations broke out as soon as she was anxious, which seemed to scare Xiaoyu. He quickly comforted me and said, "Hey, don't worry, it's just low blood sugar. Just pay attention to three meals, it's okay."

Hearing what Xiaoyu said, I asked uncertainly, "Really? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Well, I'm sure, thank you for caring about me." Xiao Yu said.

"What are you talking about? I don't care who you care about." At this moment, I didn't know how ambiguous it was to say this, so we both fell into silence, and neither of us spoke.In the end, I really couldn't stand this kind of embarrassing and ambiguous atmosphere, so I broke the silence and said to Xiaoyu, "Then you have to eat on time in the future, so don't worry people anymore, you understand?"

"Well, I see, you are so long-winded, just like my mother." Xiao Yu was dissatisfied.

"Hey, am I that old? Forget it, since you are a patient, I don't care about you." I compromised.

After that, I was worried that Xiao Yu would pass out again due to hypoglycemia, so I gave him some candy, but he said that he didn't like candy, and he was not a three-year-old child, so he didn't want the candy I gave him, so, I secretly put some on my body, sometimes when Xiaoyu sees me bringing candy, she laughs at me and says that I still eat candy at such an age, and I retort that I like candy, so Xiaoyu didn’t say anything.Actually, I'd love to say that I don't like sugar either, but this is for you.But, I can't say it.In fact, Xiao Yu also knows that I don't like candy, I brought candy for him.It's just that neither of us talked about it.

(End of this chapter)

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