Green plum

Chapter 27 Little Rain's Gift

Chapter 27 Little Rain's Gift

the next morning--

"Ah—" I screamed.

"What's the matter! What happened!" Xiaoyu ran into the room hearing my screams and asked.

"It's eleven o'clock, why didn't you wake me up, I have to go to work!" I was anxious to get up, but then I realized that I had no clothes on, and then screamed, "Ah what the hell! "

"Ling, you don't remember what happened last night, do you?" Xiao Yu asked in surprise.

"Huh? What the hell happened last night? Ah! It can't be—ah—" Then there was another scream.

"Ling, Ling, calm down first." Xiao Yu covered her ears, persuading me to calm down.

"Ling, you really don't remember what happened last night, do you? No, you still scream." Xiao Yu analyzed calmly.

"Oh, I'm slowly remembering, but why do I feel a little groggy?" I rubbed my temples and asked.

"Hey, do you have a fever?" Xiaoyu heard me say that I was so dizzy that I thought I had a fever. He reached out and touched his forehead, then mine, and said, "No, I don't have a fever." Ah. Oh, I remember, maybe I put some red wine in the cake I made last night, so you got drunk and your head was groggy."

"Ah~ why do you still put wine in the cake? I can't drink alcohol. Once I drink it, I will quickly pass out and don't know what I did." I said.

"I didn't know you couldn't drink alcohol, I'm sorry, Ling." Xiao Yu blamed himself.

"Forget it, forget it if you don't know, okay, I'm going to get up." As I said that, I was getting ready to get dressed, but I realized that Xiao Yu was here, and then I stared at Xiao Yu to signal him to go out.

But Xiao Yu didn't understand what I meant, I hugged the bed sheet tightly and said, "You're out~ I want to get dressed."

"Oh, good." Xiao Yu responded with a blushing blushing, and then he walked out of the room.

After Xiaoyu walked out of the room, I quickly put on my clothes and ran out of the room.

"Where are you going, Ling?" Xiao Yu watched me leave in a hurry, and asked me while pulling.

"Of course I'm going home. I can't go to work now. I must be dead this time. I didn't go home all night. My mother will definitely scold me to death." I said anxiously.

"No, last night your mother saw that you didn't go back so late, so she came over and asked me if you were with me. I said yes, but I didn't tell what happened to us, but I just said that you were just tired and fell asleep. Sleeping at my house, she didn't doubt it." Xiao Yu explained.

"She really didn't suspect?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, yes." Xiaoyu replied, and then he added, "Oh, and I know you must be very tired after a busy day yesterday, so I have asked your boss for leave for you, so you don't have to worry gone."

"How do you know my boss's phone number? And my boss is not so easy to trust people." I asked.

"Fool, didn't you note 'boss' on your phone? I told him I was your boyfriend, and I said you couldn't go to work because you were sick, that's all." Xiaoyu replied.

"Ah, you told him that you are my boyfriend? I told him that I don't have a boyfriend. This is a disaster. In addition to absenteeism, there is another crime of cheating." I said.

"It's okay. If he wants to fire you, you can just go home and be my full-time wife. It's not that I can't afford you." Xiao Yu said.

"Hey, I really don't know how to say hello, I suddenly feel so tired." So many things happened at once, I felt like I was about to collapse.

Seeing my decadent appearance, Xiaoyu hugged me and comforted me, "I'm sorry, I made you so tired, I promise I will treat you well in the future, don't worry."

At this moment, I suddenly just want to hold Xiao Yu tightly to vent my emotions.Just like this is fine, this is fine.

"Hey, Xiao Ling, your ring is so beautiful, who bought it? Boyfriend?" The next day, my colleague Zhao Zhihui asked after work.

"Oh, this..." Wisdom interrupted me before I could explain, "Wait a minute, I seem to have seen this ring somewhere."

"Ah? Where?" I questioned.

"It's Bai Junyu. I saw him wearing something similar to this a while ago. Yours looks like his, huh? Could it be a couple ring?" Wisdom guessed.

"Ahaha, maybe it's just a coincidence." When I heard Xiaoyu's name, I immediately realized that I wanted to hide the truth.

"How could it be? I heard that this ring is a couple ring, and there are not many produced. There are only 50 pairs in the world, and the price is very expensive. Tell me, where did you get so much money to buy it? Be honest!" Wisdom Question me now.

"I say it's just a coincidence, my mine is a fake and worthless." I stammered.God!It turns out that this ring is so precious, you killed me, Xiao Yu, fortunately, I was smart enough to say it was a fake, otherwise I would have worn it out.

"Imitation? But yes, you can't afford such an expensive ring with your salary. But why don't I feel that it is not an imitation, so bright, and the imitation is just like the real one." Wisdom no longer pressed me, but still not very Take my word for it and stare at the ring.

"Oh, maybe it's just an imitation of the real thing, I just bought it for wearing and playing haha." As I said that, I immediately took off the ring and stuffed it into my backpack.

"Hey, why did you take off the ring, it's fine to wear it." Wisdom didn't understand why I took off the ring suddenly and asked me.

"Oh, I suddenly don't want to wear it." I explained in a panic.

"That's right, if others see that it's a fake, you'll lose face." Wisdom said "clearly".

"Haha, yes." I echoed helplessly.

So Zhizhi didn't ask any more questions, and went to do her business.

'Phew, I finally got over it, it scared me to death. 'I breathed a sigh of relief silently in my heart.

Xiao Yu, why didn't you tell me that this ring is so precious, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't wear it.Fortunately, I was so lucky that I didn't wear

(End of this chapter)

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