Green plum

Chapter 8 Xiao Yu's Popularity

Chapter 8 Xiao Yu's Popularity

"Ah~ you are amazing, you are so popular~" Someone "forced" me to chase stars, so I opened Weibo. Compared with WeChat, I think Weibo is for chasing stars, because Weibo can be more popular. Closely share the life of a star, huh, it’s far away, I was dragged to his house by Xiaoyu early this morning, he asked me to follow his Weibo, I searched for Bai Junyu, and it turned out that there was a T combination-Bai Xiaoyu , and then click Follow, I was shocked when I saw the number of his fans - more than 800 million, only about three years, the popularity is really high!
"Now you know how popular I am~" Then, someone started to be narcissistic again.

"Yes yes yes ~ you are very popular ~" I was helpless but this is the fact.

"But you do have a lot to admire." I went on to say this sentence.

"Then tell me what is admirable about me?" Xiao Yu was of course very excited when he heard me say that, so he took the opportunity to ask me, by the way, to see what I think of him.

"You are like a captain in the team. You are serious and responsible in your work. You are very kind to your teammates. You maintain the dignity of the team and don't let your teammates get hurt. You are reliable at critical moments. You are serious when you should be serious, and you are free when you don't need to be serious. .”

"What else?" Xiaoyu continued to ask.

"Any more?" I asked suspiciously.In fact, I want to say that my appearance is beyond the charts as said on the Internet, of course I will not admit it, I am not the Association of Appearance, I am not the Association of Appearance, I am not the Association of Appearance, important things are said three times.

"Hey, didn't you say that there are many places to admire? Is that all?" Xiaoyu said dissatisfied.

"Then what else do you want me to say?" I asked following his words.

"Then you won't praise me for being handsome?" Xiao Yu said narcissistically.

"Hehe. I said Bai Xiaoyu, are you too narcissistic?" Are you kidding me, you want me to praise a handsome kid who is younger than me and very narcissistic, I really can't tell.

"Why am I narcissistic? Many people say I'm handsome and call me a male god. If you don't believe me, do a search yourself." Hey~ Someone's narcissism must have a limit, even though I'm also attracted by someone The appearance is amazing.

"Yeah, I know that many people like you, and I'm not one of them." I said a little "jealously".

"Are you jealous again?" Xiaoyu "understood" my words and said.

"Who is jealous, the Rain Emperor of 'Little Crab' is by my side, should they be jealous?" I retorted.

"He said he wasn't jealous, how could a jealous person admit that he was jealous?" Xiao Yu teased.

"Anyway, I didn't!" I turned my head away from Xiao Yu.

"Oh~ Someone is jealous and still refuses to admit it~" Xiao Yu continued to tease.

"You! Forget it, I don't want to continue this topic, I'm always jealous and jealous, I'm almost 'sick to death'!" Maybe, I was caught by Xiaoyu, I'm just jealous haha...

"Then you admit that you are jealous." Xiao Yu said to herself.

"Yes, yes, it's fine if I'm jealous!" I was impatient with someone, so I 'compromised' directly.

"Thank you for being jealous, Ling!" Xiao Yu leaned forward and hugged me.

'Hey, I can't take it anymore, why are you so spoiled at such an age, and you don't avoid suspicion, even if you explain that I am your 'sister', I don't know if anyone will believe it. ' I thought helplessly.

"I said Xiao Yu, enough hugs. Fortunately, I am at home and no one is watching. If I were outside, I would not be able to live with ten lives." I said helplessly.

Xiaoyu naturally knew what I meant, so she let go of me and said, "Now you know how popular I am? Why don't you hurry up and follow me?"

"Since you are a big-headed ghost, no big or small, I am your sister, although not my own sister. I'm leaving, I'm going home! This morning was wasted on your silly things again!" I spread my hands , ready to leave.

"Ling, thank you~" Xiao Yu suddenly thanked me.

"Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?" I turned around and asked suspiciously.

"Thank you for chatting with me~" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

"Cut! Boring! I'm going home! Don't send me off!" After I finished speaking, I quickly left Xiao Yu's house.As for why I left so quickly, I was afraid that Xiaoyu would say something strange and make me blush and my heart beat faster, I was just afraid—hey!What are you afraid of!It's just a kid, what are you afraid of!baffling!
(End of this chapter)

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