Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 18 Taking People Away 1

Chapter 18 Taking People Away 1
Qian Rong was taken aback, his face was a bit ugly, although he didn't like this daughter, but Qian Shangxian was his first daughter after all, this incidental marriage was clearly belittling his Qian family.

How can Yang Yuehong control so much, all her senses are blocked by those big mahogany boxes.

The servant opened a box, and the white silver in it glistened in the sun, almost blinding Yang Yuehong's eyes. She picked up a silver ingot with her hands trembling with excitement, as if she saw some treasure. On the edge of his mouth, he took a hard bite.


Pain, painful toothache.

It's real, it's real silver, it's the first time she's seen such silver in her whole life.

"It's all... mine?" Yang Yuehong asked.

Steward Wang looked at Yang Yuehong's greedy face with disdain, and then nodded: "Not only these, but also the rest."

Yang Yuehong rushed forward excitedly, and opened the boxes one by one. All kinds of silk and satin jewellery, these are all hers!

As soon as Steward Wang entered the door, he smelled a smell of oil cake that made him sick, and seeing Yang Yuehong writhing her fat body, she wished she could sleep on a pillow, and now she couldn't stay any longer.

After coughing lightly, Steward Wang asked, "Where is Mrs. Fourteenth? The things are left behind, but I will take them away."

"Butler Wang, this... this is too hasty, Shang Xian is not ready yet..."

"Prepare what? No need to prepare." Steward Wang waved his hand grandly, interrupting Qianrong's words, "There is everything in the mansion. Even the rags from the Wang family are worth more than anything in your house, so you don't need to prepare them." .Let’s go now, the sedan chair is ready, don’t keep the master waiting. Qianrong, you won’t go back on your word, will you? Then I will carry these things back.”

Yang Yuehong's complexion changed, and she held Yinzi in her arms like a hen protecting its cubs: "No, no, how could you go back on your word? Husband, Shangxian can marry Master Wang, this is something we can't do in a few lifetimes." Good luck, Shangxian will not have to suffer with us in the future, and my sister's spirit in heaven will be happy!"

Hearing Yang Yuehong's words, Steward Wang was relieved, the family was eager to marry their daughter earlier, and save themselves a lot of trouble.

After helping the cap on his bun, Steward Wang asked, "How is it?"

Qian Rong immediately smiled all over his face: "Butler Wang, wait a moment, I'll go and call the little girl here."

Can't wait to walk into the house, Qianrong opened the locked door, pushed it, the inside was locked, pushed hard for several times but failed to push, Qianrong had to knock on the door: "Shangxian, open the door, it's Daddy .”


No one in the house answered.

Qianrong continued to knock: "Shangxian, Daddy has found you a good marriage. You will marry and become a concubine, and you will have nothing to worry about in this life. Open the door and be obedient."


Qianrong gritted his teeth, and the hand knocking on the door became heavier: "You open the door for me quickly, do you hear me?"

Qianrong's roar startled Butler Wang, is there a time when Qianrong is so hot?I have always thought that he is a villain who only follows others.

After digging his ears, Butler Wang asked, "Qianrong, are you alright? Don't make my master wait."

Qianrong quickly echoed: "Wait, wait."

Yang Yuehong was angry that her husband was really useless, he couldn't even get a house for a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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