Chapter 24 Fleeing 1
What Mu Zili said was awe-inspiring, as if he was going to die generously, he couldn't help but push Qian Shangxian into a crack between the walls.

"Come on!"

When the servants of the Wang family who rushed to rescue arrived, the sedan chair was already empty, and Qian Shangxian was nowhere to be seen, while Steward Wang and other servants who were also unconscious were lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Qian Shangxian's thin body easily escaped from the gap, and as soon as she ran out, she heard a huge explosion, which shook the ground under her feet.

She guessed right, it was really dynamite!

This Mu Zili...running all over the street with those things, he is really desperate!

Standing outside the crack, Qian Shangxian anxiously waited for Mu Zili, who hadn't come out for a long time, logically speaking, he should have escaped right behind her!
A mouthful of water was sprayed on Steward Wang's face, and he woke up from the coma. Steward Wang's eyes were red and swollen, narrowed into a line, like red peaches.

There was a person covered with a red cloth sitting in the sedan chair. Steward Wang looked at the mess and asked, "Are you all right?"

The servants rubbed their deaf ears and shook their heads.

Fortunately, the amount of explosives was not much, and it just blew up that strange thing to pieces, otherwise they would be muddy now.

Taking the handkerchief brought up by the servant, Steward Wang wiped away the uncontrollable tears from the swollen eyes: "Fourteenth Concubine, it's getting late, we're leaving for home now."

The "Qian Shangxian" in the sedan chair didn't answer, so Steward Wang waved his hand and urged, "Hurry up, it's getting dark, and you're delaying the master's important business, see if I don't knock your heads off!"

After finishing speaking, Steward Wang wondered, who is so bored to play pranks here?Almost delayed his big event!

Qian Shangxian stood in front of the gap and waited anxiously. It's about this time, and it's time to climb out. Why is there no movement until now?
Qian Shangxian's disheveled clothes and nervous look made the owner of the shop next door suspicious and thought he was a thief.

When he came out with a broom, the owner of the shop yelled loudly. He was originally fierce and rough, and it was even more scary.

"What are you doing?"

Qian Shangxian was taken aback, seeing a frightening man with staring eyes looking at him fiercely walking towards him, he thought to himself, could it be that a member of the Wang family found out?

But Mu Zili hasn't come out yet!
Qian Shangxian was in a dilemma between waiting or not waiting at the fastest speed. Waiting - he would be arrested, waiting - Mu Zili saved him, but he left him without loyalty...

Finally, Qian Shangxian finally made up his mind to run away when the man was about to approach her.

Mu Zili, I'm sorry!


At the door of Furen Wang's house, there was a bustling crowd, and there was an endless stream of people who came to congratulate him, and the family and servants were very busy.

At the back door, a sedan chair was hurriedly carried in, and the matchmaker waiting there hurried around.

"Oh, I said Steward Wang, why didn't you come back until now after picking up a bride?" His eyes seemed to startle, "Hey, you scared me to death, Steward Wang, your eyes..."

Smelling a faint smell, the matchmaker sniffed it, leaned close to Butler Wang to smell it, and quickly covered her nose and frowned to avoid it.

"I said Steward Wang, did you fall into the cesspit? Why is it so smelly!"

(End of this chapter)

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