Chapter 26 Fleeing 3
The guests all stopped talking, and for some unknown reason, they all focused their eyes on Mr. Wang. Fu's face turned blue, and he pointed to the few Qianjia who were still in excitement among the guests.

"Come on!"


"Arrest Qianrong's family for me!"

Qianrong was taken aback for a moment, and the servants had already surrounded him: "Wang...Master Wang, what...what is this doing?"

Wang Fu was trembling with anger, and cursed: "Qianrong, Qianrong, why are you pretending to be stupid with me here? Let me ask you, do you want to play fairy dance with me? After greedy for my money, dance with me again people?"

Yang Yuehong seemed to understand something, her face immediately turned pale, and she quickly explained: "Master Wang, hasn't Qian Shangxian already boarded the sedan chair of your Wang family? We don't know what happened at all? If we really want to covet your Qian, if you beat your people again, how could we throw ourselves into the trap! Master Wang, be careful!"

Yang Yuehong's words made Wang Furen's face uneasy. Yes, if it was really Qianrong's fault, he would definitely not dare to come, but he is so angry now, how can he care so much.

"Come here, take them to the woodshed for Lao Tzu, if you can't find Qian Shangxian, I will throw you three to Wild Dog Ridge to feed the wild dogs!"

"Master Wang, please be kind to Master Wang!"


Not daring to walk on the bustling streets, Qian Shangxian could only walk aimlessly on the trails, worrying whether someone from the Wang family would show up and tie him up.

Will that unreliable Mu Zili be killed by the bomb?
She couldn't go home, and she had no other place to go. She was tired and hungry, and all she had was a copper coin. How far could she go?Qinglong County is such a big place, where is she going to hide?
"Quick, quick, over there."

"You guys, go look inside."

Qian Shangxian quickly retracted his head, hid behind a bamboo basket more than one meter high, and looked out through the gap.

It's the servant of Wang Fu's family, who has already sent someone to look for her, but why didn't they come after her before?

The scurrying servant accidentally bumped into a few women walking on the street. The woman pointed at their backs and cursed in a low voice, not daring to speak loudly. In Qinglong County, no one dared to offend rich Wang.

Several women moved to the side of the road.

"What's going on? Isn't today the big day for rich Wang to get married?"

"That's right. At noon, it was spread all over Qinglong County, saying that rich man Wang is going to marry two people at once. Hehe, don't die of exhaustion on the couch when he stepped into the coffin."

"Hahaha, shh, don't let others hear."

A waiter with a pot of rotten cabbage came over, stood under the eaves, and said to several women, "Ma'am, haven't you heard?"

Several women became interested: "Brother, tell me."

Xiao Er looked around, approached some women and said in a low voice: "I just heard from the servants of the wealthy Wang's family that one of the brides has escaped!"

"Run away?" The woman was taken aback, and looked at Xiao Er in disbelief.

Xiao Er turned her left and right and said, "That's right. I heard that the bride just disappeared into the gate of the Wang's house, and when the maids were about to change her clothes, the bride suddenly disappeared."


"That's right, it just disappeared! However, it's strange to say that Qianrong is willing to let his daughter jump into the fire pit."

(End of this chapter)

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