Chapter 29 Application 1
Hearing waves of discussions, Qian Shangxian stretched his head to see that such notices were pasted on the walls, pillars and even the backs of some pedestrians, as if blown by a gust of wind.

If she could really find a job, at least she would not have to worry about food and clothing, and if she could get the 30 taels of silver, she would also have the travel expenses to leave Qinglong County.

Seeing the back of Qian Shangxian going away, Master Fuyou sat on the roof and patted the empty wine gourd, and sighed helplessly: "Oops, I drank two more, and I didn't pay attention to put too much. Hey, forget it , get some wine."


Outside the gate of the White Mansion, it suddenly became crowded. More than half of the unmarried women in Qinglong County gathered in front of the gate of the White Mansion, chattering and chattering non-stop.

Bai Ranche stood on the ridge of the roof, looking coldly at the immortal Fuyou with his legs crossed by the door, telling him that he only needs to attract Qian Shangxian, but he actually caused such a big trouble for himself!


Following the address on the paper, a huge mansion appeared in front of Qian Shangxian. A plaque was hung on the door, and it was written: Baifu, with two golden characters.

It should be here.

The gate was full of girls who came to apply for the job, all of them were beautiful, compared with them, Qian Shangxian was as simple as the aunt next door who was shopping for vegetables, and she looked a little dirty.

Following the flow of people, Qian Shangxian was a little nervous, yes, as long as he could find a job, at least he would have a place to eat and a place to live, to escape these few days, get his wages, and then find a way to leave Qinglong County.

"Next, next."

A familiar voice rang in Qian Shangxian's ear. When he looked up, a thin old man was leaning against the door with a wine jug on his red face. His eyes narrowed into a line were sizing up the applicants. girls.

It was him, the drunk old man in the alley.


The old man sneezed, all the spit came out, rubbed his nose, a trace of panic appeared on his face, and then he looked at his wine gourd with distress.

"Please, let me in. I can do the laundry, cook, and clean the room. As long as I can be by your side, I don't need any wages!"

A woman in a peach red dress with a beaded hairpin was pushed out of the door.

"Really, I really don't want any wages, as long as I stay, I can do anything! As long as I can see you every day, you are fine."

As soon as the woman's voice fell, several women who were sent out of the gate of the White Mansion also cried out:

"Yes, I beg you, please, as long as you let us see you every day, we don't need a penny of wages!"

"Young Master, Young Master, don't drive us away, let us stay!"


Qian Shangxian raised his eyebrows, why do these women humiliate themselves like this?Where the hell is that young man?How could He De make so many women cry for him?

So... Is there no hope left for me?Will he be kicked out like this?

The reminding voice brought Qian Shangxian back from her thoughts, it was her turn.

Taking a deep breath, Qian Shangxian thought about all possible situations in his head, and then thought about the countermeasures.

In such a big White Mansion, there is no more than one, she is not less, even if it is just to find a sweeping errand, to watch the gate... Well, even if it is to pour a chamber pot, as long as she is in charge of food and control, let her avoid this... In a few days, she definitely agreed!
Yes, even at half the wages!
(End of this chapter)

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