Chapter 303 I mean in case
"Chen Yu, don't save too much vitality to help the immortal come back to life."

"Don't talk, you are too weak now, if you don't stabilize your heart in time, you will die!"

Seeing Chen Yu's nervous look, Chen Yu smiled, and a happy smile appeared on his pale face: "Chen Yu, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd still be an ordinary green carp at the bottom of the pond, I'm content. My Yuan Dan was taken away by Su Mi, I can't last long, save your strength to help Shangxian, only Shangxian can save the Three Realms!"

Chen Yu gritted his teeth, tears rolled in his eyes.

Shen Li's eyes fell on the real person floating beside the pond: "Really, Su Mi won't let us go so easily, I'm worried, he's cheating."

Master Fuyou frowned, yes, how could Sumi let them leave so easily?

Helping Shen Li to stand up, Shen Yu tapped his feet, and the two of them jumped over the platform and stood in front of Fuyou Daoist.

Chen Yu said with a serious expression: "Time is running out, so hurry up and bring back the soul for the Immortal."

Bai Ranche sat cross-legged outside Ningxian Cave, and Qian Shangxian sat in Huaxin, frowning deeply.

"Young master, if... I mean in case, in case it fails, I die..."

"Will not."

"I mean just in case..."

Bai Ranche opened his eyes and looked at the vague human figure in the petals, his heart clenched.

Suddenly, Bai Ranche said: "If you don't want to, I don't have to revive my soul for Qian Xi."

Qian Shangxian raised his head abruptly, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Young Master, do you really think so?"

Bai Ranche nodded: "Yes."

Qian Shangxian laughed excitedly, reached out to touch the petals, there was a shadow of Bai Ranche, then Qian Shangxian shook his head: "I don't know who that Su Mi is, and I don't know you, Qian Xi What kind of grievances do I have with him? However, I know that I still have Qian Xi’s soul in my body. To be more precise, I don’t know who I am. I will keep the son’s words in mind. If Qian Xi wakes up Remember...remember to set up a monument for me, and call it Lin Ya, the forest of the woods, the elegant and elegant, this is my name in that life, I must give myself a name, otherwise I am afraid that the king of hell will not accept me."

The corners of Bai Ranche's brows moved slightly, and he stood up abruptly: "You won't die."

Qian Shangxian smiled, "It would be best if he didn't die."

Just as he was speaking, from the corner of his eyes, Bai Ranche saw Fuyou Daoist, Shen Yu and Shen Li walking over together, as well as Mu Zili.

Master Fuyou said: "Time is running out, let's get started."

Bai Ranche was taken aback: "In such a hurry?"

Chen Yu said: "I'm worried that Su Mi's people will come after him soon, so as soon as possible is the best."

Bai Ranche nodded: "Okay."

Master Fuyou walked up to Qian Shangxian, and cut it out together with the flower: "Girl, you should think about it."

Qian Shangxian nodded: "Thought it out."

Handing the flowers to Chen Yu, Fuyou Daoist said: "Chen Yu, you and Ran Che are in the Ningxian Cave to revive Qianxi's soul, and I, Chen Yu, Mu Zili, and Yan Lanzhen are protecting the Dharma together. No matter what you hear , all of you can’t stop, you have to have no distracting thoughts!”


Watching Bai Ranche and Chen Yu walk into Ningxian Cave, Fuyou Daoist waved his whisk and formed an ice screen to block the door of Ningxian Cave, then turned around and asked Mu Zili, "Where's that girl from the Yan family?"

Speaking of Yan Lanzhen, Mu Zili felt a little embarrassed: "She...she said to go for a walk and be back in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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