Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 306 The Nature of Everything in the World Is Good

Chapter 306 The Nature of Everything in the World Is Good
Qian Xi said: "I believe that all things in the world are kind by nature, and so are you."

Su Mi laughed: "Whether this king is good or evil has nothing to do with you?"

Qian Xi continued: "If you know how to repent, I can ask the Emperor of Heaven to let you live."

Su Mi suddenly stopped talking. I don't know how long it took. Su Mi said: "Perhaps, this king is really wrong. This king treats you so well, and you still believe in this king. However, the shackles are too uncomfortable. This king can Accept the punishment, but this king is also the king of the demon world, and he must die with dignity!"

Qian Xi looked at the shackles bound on Su Mi's body. These shackles were made of thousands of years of flint dug from the bottom of the sea of ​​fire. Whether they were immortals or demons, those who were shackled were like being burned by a raging fire. No, but Su Mi didn't even snort at all, she was really stubborn enough.

Hearing Su Mi's soft words, Qian Xi thought for a while, and was moved with compassion: "I can help you solve it, but you have to confess your crime before the Emperor of Heaven."

"Okay. If you plead guilty, you will plead guilty. A man can bend and stretch!"

Qian Xi moved her immortal power, tapped her right index finger, and the flint shackles suddenly fell off with a "snap".

Qian Xi opened the cage and brought Su Mi out: "Let's go."

Su Mi nodded and followed Qian Xi out of the cage.

Suddenly, Su Mi stopped in her tracks.

"What's wrong?" Qian Xi asked.

Su Mi smiled: "Do you really believe that this king will surrender at the feet of that old man?"

Qian Xi was taken aback: "But you just now..."

"Hahaha, Qianxi, you are too kind!"

After finishing speaking, Su Mi slapped Qian Xi on the shoulder with a palm, and Qian Xi backed away in pain, but was locked up by Su Mi instead.

Qian Xi gritted her teeth and said, "I believe that the roots of all things are kind, and so are you!"

Su Mi laughed: "Really? Then you are wrong. This king is inherently evil, and he never knows what good is! Qianxi, you are waiting for this king to pick you up. You are my demon queen. Nothing will change!"

"A long-standing mystery..."

"Oops, tell the Heavenly Emperor, Su Mi has escaped!"

Qian Xi looked at Su Mi's figure drifting away, annoyed: "I believe that all things in the world, whether they are demons, humans, or immortals, are inherently kind! You are the same!"

The screen continued to turn to Luoxiantai.

Qian Xi jumped down from the platform, but turned into two figures behind the clouds.

Chen Yu followed from behind the clouds, following Qian Xi's Yuan body to whereabouts.

But Qian Xi's soul was engulfed by a black wind.

"It's you!"

Su Mi smiled coldly: "Do you want to die?"

Qian Xi gritted her teeth: "I will not let you find it!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Xi rushed towards Su Mi with a celestial force, the golden light that was originally guiding the way was deflected, and Qian Xi fell into the gap of the golden light.

Standing on the Luoxian Terrace, Qian Shangxian watched all this, as if she saw a girl was born in that busy modern day.

Qian Xi went to the wrong path to avoid Su Mi.

But she had expected it a long time ago, that's why she kept the Yuan body, just in case.

While Qian Shangxian was watching all this, a white fox came to her feet.

Qian Shangxian turned his head and looked, only two of the fox's nine tails were left, and there were blood-red marks behind it.

Qian Shangxian remembered that the dream was repeated again and again, and Bai Ranche was willing to follow Qianxi after breaking Qiwei.

He loves her, really loves her!

(End of this chapter)

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