Chapter 50 Horror Stories 4
Qian Shangxian said: "Seeing that the woodcutter didn't believe it, the neighbors made a bet with him. If he didn't believe it, he could go and see it with himself. There are countless rare treasures in that place, and the golden scales are the least valuable thing in it. However, to When I saw that his wife was really a goldfish spirit, whoever saw it would have a share and share half of his treasure...

"Actually, the woodcutter has always been curious about why the lady is so lucky. Every time the family has no money, she can meet kind and rich people. He agreed and decided to go with the neighbors to find out...

"I heard from a neighbor that the road up the mountain was not easy, so the woodcutter brought a hatchet together. The two entered the woods one after the other, went up the mountain following the marks left by the neighbor, and found what the neighbor said. That stone. The stone is on the top of the mountain, surrounded by hazy mist, like a sacred object left here by a fairy...

"Standing by the stone, the woodcutter looked at the stone and hesitated. The neighbor was eager for success. He pushed the woodcutter away and shouted at the stone: "Goldfish come, goldfish come, goldfish come, open the stone hole...

"As soon as the neighbor uttered the incantation, the stone was really opened, and the woodcutter saw that there was really a golden fish swimming in that pond, which was as tall as a person...

"Goldfish was stunned for a long time when seeing the woodcutter, and finally cried. She turned into the woodcutter's wife, choked up and said: You still found it. In fact, I am not an ordinary woman in the world, but a person who cultivates here. A goldfish. Because he couldn't bear the loneliness of thousands of years of practice, he went down the mountain. The woodcutter understood why his wife slept with her clothes on, because the clothes were made of water plants in the pond. With this clothes, she will return to her original shape. Those golden scales are actually the scales she cultivated. If she loses the scales, she loses her cultivation, so she becomes weaker every time she comes back...

"The woodcutter and his neighbors stood next to this fairy pond, and they were all shocked by the treasures inside. The things here are all priceless. The stones are not ordinary, but high-quality jade. The flowers and plants are not ordinary flowers and plants, but crystal jewels, even the aquatic plants in the water are also made of gold thread wearing emeralds. They were shocked by what they saw outside before! …

"The woodcutter, who was confused by the treasure in front of him, went completely crazy. He was immersed in his excitement. These were enough for him to worry about for a lifetime. The two took off their coats and lay down on the ground to collect all the treasures as quickly as possible. Cysts, but... not enough, not enough, these are his, and the golden scales are also his! The woodcutter was lost by his own greed, he didn't think these could satisfy his desire, how could he put the golden scales in his hand? let's go...

"The wife of the woodcutter looked at her husband in surprise. Why was there a kind of greed in his eyes that frightened her? She begged, as long as she was let go and let her practice hard here, she could spend all the gold and silver treasures here. Give them all, without blocking...

"As soon as the words of the woodcutter's wife fell, the greedy neighbors rushed up and tore her clothes. Without the protection of the clothes, the woodcutter's wife turned into a scarred goldfish, and her golden scales shone in the sun. The blinding golden light, the woodcutter's eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, he turned a deaf ear to his wife's pleading, his eyes only had those golden golden scales, he raised the machete in his hand..."

(End of this chapter)

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