Chapter 69
"Li Gouqi, stop for my old lady!" Yang Yuehong shouted, her eyes turned red with anger, and she tried to chase after her.

Qian Rong hurriedly stopped Yang Yuehong, and said distressedly: "Okay, okay, don't get angry. Originally, it was said that it would be good to share half of Li Huatu, so I took it. Fortunately, someone found it, otherwise we are afraid that we will still be here now." They are staying in the woodshed of the Wang family!"

Thinking of this, Yang Yuehong also felt relieved, what is this little money, the betrothal gift from the Wang family is more than this amount even with a small nail.

"Okay." Yang Yuehong spat at the place where Li Huatu disappeared, and said, "It's so cheap that Li Huatu is a bastard!"

Qianrong nodded, patted Yang Yuehong's back, and then suddenly came back to his senses: "Where's that little brother?"

Yang Yuehong looked at the silver in her hand with bright eyes, picked it up, bit it in her mouth, then put it back carefully, and hid it in her bosom: "What little brother?"

Qianrong said: "That told us..."

"Hush!" Yang Yuehong quickly covered Qianrong's mouth, looked around, and said nervously, "No brother! This money is not a big cake, anyone who wants to share it can share it, but there is not much left. !Okay, okay, go home, go home!"

Qian Mingyu hugged a coat that was taken off Qian Shangxian's body, and put it on her body. Compared with Qian Shangxian's thin figure, Qian Mingyu almost burst the coat.

"Mom, look quickly, the material is so soft and comfortable, it's the first time I've seen it!"

"Hey, don't tell me, where did Qian Shangxian steal this dress? It's really a good thing, and it can sell for a lot of money!"

Watching Qianrong's family leave, a handsome man in the dark immediately turned into a charming woman with a wave of his sleeves.

It is Tong Ling.

She had been secretly watching the farce.

Looking up at the wanted notice on the wall with the appearance of Qian Shangxian, although it was a bit worn out, she could still see the contents clearly.

Tong Ling never imagined that Qian Shangxian was the concubine of that disgusting old man, and even escaped from marriage. How could such a lowly person be worthy of being a son? !

Turning around to leave, the portrait on the wall suddenly ignited behind Tong Ling. The portrait of Qian Shangxian flickered in the fire, and finally turned into pieces of ashes, which were scattered and fluttered by the breeze.


"Hey, my dear, hurry up and put it down!"

Qian Shangxian was held on his shoulders, and only knew that he had entered a large hall, and the floor tiles were all high-quality bluestone and jade bricks.

Unloaded from the shoulders, Qian Shangxian was dizzy and dazed for a moment, and when she saw clearly, a fat old face was rushing towards her.

Quickly dodging, Qian Shangxian bumped into his chest.

"Ouch." Furen Wang was hit by this head and almost fell to the ground.

Steward Wang hurriedly supported the rich man, and said, "Master, are you alright?"

Furen Wang rubbed his chest, then shook his head, and smiled at Qian Shangxian who was still in a daze: "Don't you hurry up and untie the fourteenth concubine?"


A servant came up behind Qian Shangxian and cut the rope around her body with a knife.

Without restraint, Qian Shangxian took out the cloth stuffed in his mouth and yelled hard: "Go away, go away!"

Waving his hands, Qian Shangxian saw the person in front of him clearly. This fat-headed person was Wang Furen. Qian Shangxian naturally knew the person beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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