Chapter 77
The cup in Ji Ling's hand paused on his lips, his brows frowned, and he said coldly, "It's been a long time."

She is always so invisible!
Ji Yan hurried over and took the cup from Ji Ling's hand aside: "Sister Shangxian is gone, why are you not in a hurry?"

Ji Ling shrugged his shoulders and asked, "What's the use of being anxious? We can't get out."

"Ji Ling!" Ji Yan was about to reprimand Ji Ling angrily, but the sound of footsteps outside the door immediately attracted her away.

Tong Ling walked in from the outside, and was surrounded by four maids as soon as he entered the door: "Tong Ling, have you found Sister Shangxian?"

"Ah?" Tong Ling was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that when she went out, she took the task assigned by these girls, and went out for a while and forgot about it.

Several girls looked at Tong Ling expectantly, and even Ji Ling began to pay attention to Tong Ling's expression, Tong Ling nodded quickly and said, "I've looked for it."

"found it?"


Hearing Tong Ling's answer, the four girls sighed, and their expectant expressions immediately turned into disappointment.

Ji Ling also sighed softly.

Tong Ling looked at the four girls who were scattered, and asked with a little anger: "I said you guys, I went out for a long time and didn't ask me how I was. Fortunately, I brought so many delicious food back."

Saying that, Tong Ling made a big bag from behind.

But the four girls were listless and showed no interest at all, if they were normal, they would have gathered around them long ago.

Tong Ling looked at them and felt a little uncomfortable. Qian Shangxian bought their hearts so long after he came here, and made them forget about food and tea after only two days of seeing each other. He left the White Mansion to practice for several months without seeing them This kind of miss, thanks to being so kind to them, every time I go out, I want to bring them food!

Putting away his pockets, Tong Ling angrily turned around and left, but just as he reached the door, he slammed into Bai Ranche.

"Ah, son!"

Tong Ling quickly stroked Bai Ranche's chest, and asked anxiously: "Master, are you okay? Did it hurt?"

Bai Ranche shook off Tong Ling's hand, walked in, looked around, but didn't see Qian Shangxian, and then looked at the girls who hesitated to speak, with tears on their faces, and his heart skipped a beat.


Hearing Bai Ranche's question, the tears in Ji Miao's eyes immediately flowed down: "My lord, Shangxian...Sister Shangxian is gone!"

gone?Sure enough, he knew something was wrong!

Bai Ranche frowned: "How long?"

Ji Miao thought for a while, stretched out three fingers, then withdrew one, choked up and said, "Two...two days."

Bai Ranche's face was so gloomy that it was almost like a thunderstorm, and the five girls all showed a look of fear.

Ji Yan hurriedly walked up to Bai Ranche, knelt down, and said guiltily, "My lord, it's Ji Yan's fault. It's because Ji Yan didn't take good care of Sister Shangxian. You have told me that when you are not in Baixi Tower, we must You have to be optimistic about Sister Shangxian, don't make any mistakes, Ji Yan is careless! Please punish me, my lord!"

Seeing what Ji Yan said, Ji Jiao also quickly knelt down: "My lord, Ji Jiao is also at fault! Sister Shangxian is lost, and Ji Jiao is also responsible!"

Ji Rao and Ji Miao knelt down with a "plop", "My lord, I..."

Ji Ling also realized this time, and knelt down: "My lord, Ji Ling is guilty. I didn't do my duty to protect the Shangxian. Please punish me, my lord!"

Bai Ranche got a headache from being quarreled by these girls, frowned and waved his hands, and the girls immediately closed their mouths knowingly, not daring to say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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