Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 83 Will You Let Me Go? 2

Chapter 83 Will You Let Me Go? 2
"...Actually, I have a strange disease. I have been ill for a long time. It has no cure, and it is the kind that is dying! I have been drinking medicine since I was a child. Do you know that the medicine is three-point poisonous? So my body is full of toxins from the medicine. Even mosquitoes don’t want to bite me in the summer! Think about it, if mosquitoes don’t bite me, then my blood will be so nasty to drink Ah! It's definitely not to your liking!"

The thirteenth concubine looked at Qian Shangxian who was trembling slightly but still talking sharply, and was very curious that this person was not afraid anymore. You must know that when those ordinary people saw her, they either rolled their eyes incontinence in fright, or they just rolled their eyes. He was so frightened that he passed out.

Could it be because my recovery just now wasn't thorough enough?

Looking at Qian Shangxian curiously, Mrs. Thirteen asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Afraid!" Qian Shangxian nodded honestly, fearing that she was not convinced enough, she nodded a few times vigorously.

Biting his lips lightly, Qian Shangxian looked nervously at Mrs. Thirteenth Concubine, thinking: nonsense, of course she is afraid, but... she has seen the world anyway, and she has seen a lot of monsters, although she is still the first This is the first time I've seen a senior youkai like this.But more importantly, she was afraid of death!
The Thirteenth Concubine didn't believe in Qian Shangxian. She heard a little calmness from Qian Shangxian's tone. Compared with before, Qian Shangxian seemed to be less afraid of herself.

At this time, Qian Shangxian was full of thoughts, wondering if the current situation would be directly proportional to his chance of escaping, but he didn't expect that a word from his mouth would actually stimulate the self-esteem of a monster.

Standing up, the thirteenth concubine untied her belt, and her gorgeous coat slipped to the ground, followed by her own shirt, and while undoing her, she asked Qian Shangxian jokingly: " about this? Are you afraid?"

The thirteenth concubine who took off her clothes did not have the warm skin and slim figure that people would immediately imagine, but suddenly grew bigger, revealing a big black furry body.

The huge body was wrapped in thick black fur, the huge claws were tightly hooked to the ground, a pair of big black wings fluttered slightly behind him, the face turned into a sharp mouth, three pairs of lantern-sized Blood-red eyes lined up on its face, rows of sharp teeth in its pointed mouth, a pair of barbs protruding from its lips, greedy saliva flowed from its slender tongue, and a foul smell came from it. It's about to come out of its mouth.

The monster turned into a huge bat, more than two meters high, almost covering the entire cave.

Qian Shangxian suddenly thought of the story of the goldfish spirit that Ji Yan and the others had told before. The reason why the goldfish spirit did not take off her coat in front of her husband was because the dress made of water plants could protect her true form from being revealed. As long as she takes off the coat that protects her, she will return to her original form.

This thirteenth concubine seems to be the same.

The only difference is that the goldfish spirit in the story is beautiful and kind, but this monster is an out-and-out bad monster who wants to eat her!
Vampire bat!
Looking at the huge bat spirit towering in front of him, Qian Shangxian couldn't close his wide open mouth. His heart was beating weakly, but he didn't bring up the scare. Following closely, Qian Shangxian rolled his eyes and fainted. dead past.

(End of this chapter)

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