Chapter 86
In the dark courtyard of Qianjia, a pair of oily poles were casually thrown on the ground, and a wheelbarrow was tilted by the door, and bursts of laughter came from the closed door from time to time.

In the darkness, a thin man dressed in a lavender long coat carefully opened the door and looked inside quietly.

This home can only be described as bare and bare. A dilapidated oil lamp was lit on a dilapidated table. A skinny middle-aged man and two obese women, one big and one small, were sitting on three sides.

Everything is fine, but... the things on the table are puzzling.

Why is there so much gold, silver and jewelry in such a poor and dilapidated family?
There were two half-sized wooden boxes by the foot of the table, and two small wooden boxes on the table.

"Where are so many boxes used?" Qian Rong asked.

Yang Yuehong glared at him, and said: "You are stupid, putting them all together is dangerous? If a thief comes, they will steal them all at once! Of course, we need to put them in more places, just to be safe!"

"Bah, bah, bah." Qian Mingyu hurriedly said, "Mother, what are you talking about, a thief, a crow's mouth!"

When Yang Yuehong heard it, she immediately patted her mouth, and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, it's your mother's crow's mouth!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Yuehong quickly and carefully divided the silver and jewelry on the table into several parts and put them in wooden boxes: "Come on, quickly hide these, don't show any traces!"

"I know, I know, this little thing, I understand!" Qianrong said impatiently, holding the box full of silver ingots, and picked up the hoe beside him and walked to the back room.

Walking to the side of the bed, Qianrong put the box on the ground and got down on his stomach, and crawled to the bottom of the bed close to the ground. After climbing in, he stretched out his hand and quickly pulled in the box on the ground beside the bed.

During the day, he dug a hole under the bed in the back room. Suddenly there was so much money in the house. He was very disturbed, but he couldn’t watch it all day. He wanted to hide it, but he didn’t worry about hiding it. He only felt at ease in the place where he slept every day.

The man who had been peeking outside the door retracted his head, and through the weak candlelight, he clearly saw the man's appearance, it was Tong Ling.

Tong Ling's men's attire looked very heroic, but the sad look on her face added a bit of melancholy to her heroic appearance.

After burying the box, Qian Rong walked out from the back room, went to the door and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Is everything all right?" Yang Yuehong asked.

Qianrong nodded: "It's done."

Qian Shangxian is obviously not there, and the young master has almost arrived at Wang's house at this time. Thinking of this, Tong Ling stepped back, intending to leave quickly, but did not expect that the sound of her footsteps would be particularly clear in the quiet courtyard.

Qian Rong turned his head and saw that the closed door opened a gap at some point, and not only a footstep sounded outside the gap, but also a pair of little purple feet could be clearly seen.

Feeling tense, Qianrong quickly picked up the hoe behind the door and slammed the door open. Qianrong shouted:
"Who is outside the door?!"

Tong Ling was taken aback, a black object quickly rushed towards her, she subconsciously dodged backwards, and then hit Qianrong's chest with a palm wind with her backhand.

Tong Ling was subconsciously defending herself. How could Qianrong, a mortal, withstand her palm? She was immediately thrown a few meters away and flew past the heads of Yang Yuehong and Qian Mingyu and hit the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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