Doting on the Immortal: Princess Xiaoyao

Chapter 89 The Reason for Being Found 3

Chapter 89 The Reason for Being Found 3
Qian Rong looked at Tong Ling's hand, he was surprised and happy now, he searched for several days and no one saw Qian Shangxian's whereabouts, he thought Qian Shangxian left Qinglong County, but he didn't expect Qian Shangxian Shangxian still hasn't left yet.

But looking back, she is also a little girl, she has no money, where can she go?
Qianrong came back to his senses and looked at Tong Ling gratefully and said, "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir! If I can find the little girl, I am willing to pay... five liang as a reward for you!" Qianrong stretched out his open palm, Spread five fingers.

Five two?

Tong Ling turned her head to look at the wanted warrant, it said 50 taels, this mortal is too stingy.

Shaking his head, Tong Ling said with a smile: "No need, you can keep it. Oh, yes, you go quickly, if you go late, you will probably leave!"

"Thank you for reminding me, my lord!" Quickly cupping his hands, Qianrong couldn't wait to walk away.

He strode to the entrance of the alley, and just as he stepped out of the alley, suddenly a person jumped in front of him from the steps beside him and stopped him.

"Qianrong, the listener has a share."

Qianrong looked up and saw that it was Li Huatu.

Looking back, the young man had disappeared.

Qianrong looked at Li Huatu's obsequious smile, and asked with a smile while dodging his eyes: "What kind of listener is there? I don't know what you're talking about, what should you do, I have something urgent to do."

Seeing that Qianrong wanted to deny it, Li Huatu raised his foot to block Qianrong's figure and avoid his figure, and said in a loud voice: "Qianrong, I heard it very clearly just now, someone told you... See you, just In that alley, your boss is here!"

"You, you, you..." Qianrong stuttered for a while, and then he said, " heard it wrong! Shang Xian didn't know where he went, I searched for a few days and didn't see anyone, how could it be so easy Appearing under my nose? If so, the Wang family would have found it long ago. Don't delay my time, I still have to set up a stall to do business."

"Don't pretend to be Qianrong." Li Huatu smiled, naturally not believing Qianrong's lies, and asked, "If I got it wrong, why are you panicking?"

When Qian Rong heard this, he quickly covered it up: "There's nothing wrong with it, I don't need to panic."

Of course, Li Huatu knew that Qianrong didn't want to share the money with him, but he was really short of money now, and he just came out to get some air, but let himself hear this, isn't it obvious that God sent him money?Don't be in vain, don't be a fool!
Rolling his eyes, Li Huatu immediately thought of a plan.

Intentionally with a slightly regretful tone, Li Huatu gave two "tsk tsk", squinted at Gu Qianrong: "Oh, I also watched Shangxian grow up, although this child was taken from the back of the mountain after her mother died. When I brought it back, I was a little out of my mind, but I still called me uncle! The neighbors in Qinglong County know who Wang Fu is. You are willing to marry your daughter to the old man who stepped into the coffin. I can’t bear to watch Shangxian’s life being ruined by a scumbag! Tell me, if I yell, I don’t know if Shangxian will hear it. If I hear it, run away and don’t fall into your own father In his hands, he just left the tiger's lair and entered the wolf's lair, it didn't end well! I yelled... Shang... oh oh oh..."

As soon as Li Huatu's shout came out of his throat, his mouth was immediately covered by Qianrong, who winked and lowered his voice and roared: "Old man Li, what do you want to do?!"

(End of this chapter)

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