Chapter 99
Furen Wang now felt that one head was as big as four. He was so angry that he wanted to get into the cracks in the ground, and pointed at the two people standing in the hall with trembling hands. Furen Wang yelled: "What are you looking at? Not too soon!" Grab these two bastards and beat them to death with sticks?! Beat them to death with sticks!"

The servants came back to their senses, received an order, and immediately rushed forward, raised their wooden sticks and hit the two of them, but the strange thing was that Bai Ranche and Tong Ling disappeared into the encirclement out of thin air, and hit Bai Ranche. Ran Che's gavels all fell on Fifth Young Master's coffin.

"Hey, my son!" Wang Furen wailed in distress.

Seeing the fight started, the crowd watching the excitement in the hall was followed by a burst of chaos. The servants looked around for the figures of Bai Ranche and Tong Ling, mourners, servants, ladies and so on, swarming towards the gate, afraid of Those sticks hit him without long eyes.

There were too many people, everyone swarmed up, and the gate was immediately crowded, the more panicked, the more blocked it was, and it was impossible to get out.

There is no doubt that the vampire bat demon kidnapped Qian Shangxian!

The thirteenth concubine smiled and looked at Bai Ranche and Tong Ling who had just escaped and were entangled by the servants. These two people did not kill, they just went to the end, so those servants who were beaten down fell down and got up again. Get up and fall again, repeatedly entangled.

The current chaos is exactly what Madam Thirteenth wants, and she can quietly leave here while taking advantage of the chaos.These people, when watching the excitement, look like a good show, but when they see chaos, they can't wait to grow wings under their feet and quickly hide away.

The Thirteenth Concubine cautiously approached the entrance, but the forceful crowd blocked her way. After several attempts, she was pushed back.

"Stop!" As soon as Tong Ling turned around, she saw the Thirteenth Concubine who was crowded in the crowd and wanted to leave quietly. Behind the third aunt, she stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder.

"Monster, you can't escape!"

The thirteenth concubine was not in a hurry, looked back at Tong Ling, and then smiled contemptuously: "You can't beat me."

Tong Ling gritted her teeth secretly, but remained calm on the surface: "Oh, really? Then try it."

"and many more."

The thirteenth concubine hurriedly shouted, and Tong Ling's raised right hand stopped.

"What tricks do you want to play?"

The thirteenth concubine glanced at Bai Ranche who was still entangled with those servants, and said: "He is upright, and he is not on the same side as you. You must like him very much if you follow him so reluctantly?"

Tong Ling frowned slightly, then said blankly, "None of your business?"

The thirteenth concubine smiled sympathetically: "Although I don't know who he is, I know that you are an out-and-out monster, and we are the same kind! Seeing that your breath is not stable, you must have suffered serious injuries Right? If you fight head-on with me, you will be the one who will suffer. I would like to advise you, that person doesn’t seem to care about you that much, I, an outsider, can see it, don’t you know? Why don’t we make a deal? "

"Hmph." Tong Ling snorted coldly, but her heart seemed empty as if someone had seen through her. Pretending to be unwavering, Tong Ling said, "I have nothing to do with you! We both It’s a monster, but the only difference is that you use the essence and blood of mortals to cultivate, although you can get twice the result with half the effort, but one day you will have to pay the price for what you have done and the lives of those mortals!”

(End of this chapter)

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